My Digital Derive

Sam Ediger
DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 2
3 min readSep 13, 2018

Being the huge slacker I am, the first thing I searched in google was “interesting games” because I was hoping to find something to easily pass the time. The first result from google was a website called “,” which I’m pretty sure was a site I used to play games on in middle school during computer lab classes to avoid doing actual work. Ironic that I’m on it again now during an assignment. The first thing that caught my eye was Doodle Jump, that old game popular during the iPod era where you move your little character left and right to jump as high as you can on moving platforms. Another ancient thing I haven’t even thought about for at least 6 years. I was excited to see what it was like nowadays, was it updated? Was it exactly the same? Would I still be a master at playing Doodle Jump? The answers to these questions would not be found on this website unfortunately, the game didn’t work here, only a black screen came up.

I agree Jayar, Doodle Jump was a great game, and being unable to play it deserves a sad face emoji.

At this point, I was only a few minutes into the assignment, heart already broken by the lack of Doodle Jumping in my life, so I decided to try another google search. This time I decided to just google “Doodle Jump,” I was hoping most flash game websites would have it, and they did! The first link led me to another game website called “” It looked almost identical to the first one, little thumbnails of games lining the page, but this one had one key difference from the last. Doodle Jump actually works on this site. Hallelujah. I jumped right into the game and died instantly because I was figuring out the controls. I assumed it was mouse led, but the arrow keys are what actually move the little guy. After figuring that out, it was game time. A few runs in and I realized that my skills for Doodle Jump have massively deteriorated over the years. I could never get past a score of 10,000, and would always die to the stupid aliens that appear there. Getting frustrated, I decided to stop playing Doodle Jump and look for another game on the same website to try out.

One that caught my eye was what looked like a Minecraft knockoff with the name “PIXEL WARFARE 5” in all caps. It took forever to load for some reason, I was waiting there for 5 minutes, the loading bar for the game inching along at the slowest of speeds. Right before I was going to give up and try something else, it loaded and I was instantly put into a game. The game turned out to be really fun, one team of players was the zombies and the other team was humans. The zombies were trying to infect the humans, and the humans were trying to survive to the end of the timer. I ended up playing this for like 10 minutes, slightly going over my 30 minutes of browsing.

What I’ve learned from this is how easy it is to get side tracked on the internet. Theres so many things on it that can easily distract you from what you’re trying to do. I could’ve been reading a bunch of different articles and learning things but what happened was I ended up just playing two separate games for most of the time.

