Scrolling, Scrolling, Scrolling

DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 2
3 min readSep 12, 2018

I started my Internet journey on Reddit. Reddit’s motto is “the front page of the internet,” so I thought I would be able to find something to lead me on a journey through the Internet. I thought there would be hyperlinks that would lead me far away from the website. This is also where I usually spend my time when I looking to mindlessly scroll. Looking through different memes, news, and other random content I scrolled more than I thought I would. I actively avoided any news that had anything to do with Trump, because I just cannot handle that shit right now. One meme comes to mind where the owner of a Miata sees another Miata and they acknowledge each other by lifting their 90’s head lights out from the hood of the car and putting them back down, up and down, up and down. This reminded me of the feeling you get when you have a fun little moment with a stranger. I then googled Miata only to become bored and go straight back to Reddit like I always do.

I found a thread that asked, “What is a subject you have a lot of knowledge on that you never get to talk about?” The first answer was the history of barbeque in the United States, then someone who knew about languages. Another person posted about how they know a lot about Elder Scrolls lore. Elder Scrolls is a series of games that takes place in an alternate magical and medieval universe. These games take places in different regions and eras of a continent of some sort called Tamriel or something. There are at least three of these games and I have only played the latest one, Skyrim. Skyrim takes place in the latest Era in the universe. These games are open world and your character can do a magnitude of different things, including read. Sometimes when you read a book you get skill points, but it depends on the book. Most of the books in Skyrim are a long history of the game universe. There is so much stuff about this universe its crazy. So this guy spent all the time to read these books and learn the fake history of the game universe. There are also fiction-fiction (in the universe all the non-fiction is still fiction) books of stories and fables for entertainment. Man, I was blown away that someone had learned all of that crap. Every time I pick up a book in the game that doesn’t give me any skill points I would get slightly annoyed, thinking, “who the hell wants to read all that crap.” I shortly left the thread after a quick scroll down the page. I realized after that there is some hypocrisy in my dumbfounded reaction to this guy’s video game knowledge. I remembered that my Reddit account is five years old and I have probably wasted just as much time mindlessly scrolling as that guy gathering and forgetting essentially useless information.

At this point, I still had not found anything that I found interesting or that would lead me somewhere interesting. Depressingly scrolling through Reddit for five years had raised my standards for random Internet content. I was bored. As I kept scrolling I found something that truly baffled me. Someone had spent the time to create a well-constructed data map on the relationships of the most recent season of the bachelor. It showed what contestant had the closest relationship and the least close relationship. The contestants moved around has the gif displayed time throughout the season. It really was well made, but it was still of a reality show that I despise. I mean how could spend your time making a good motion graphic on something so meaningless and unimportant. At least they were making something as I continued to scroll past the thirty-minute mark without noticing. Oh, I forgot I saw a new Joji music video, which I did thoroughly enjoy.

