The Best You Can

Martha Pangborn
DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 2
1 min readOct 24, 2018

My narrative was inspired by Zoe Quinn’s game, Depression Quest. In my narrative, I discuss my battle with anxiety and how I have slowly learned ways to live with it. The beginning just jumps right in with not much introdction, this is to give the feeling of unknowing that I had for the longest time. Also notice when the word ‘anxiety’ is finaly written and think about how it’s placement relates to my life story.

Writing this was very hard for me as I am still learning how to be open and vocal about what I face on a daily bases. But I also feel that I am finally in a place where I can write about this and share the essentally the entire world *gulp*. I personally know how this is suposed to unfold, as it has been in my mind for the last years, but I would love feedback on how to make it more understandable to someone with out my inside knowledge. But please be gentle and I am so scared just posting this.


Martha P.

