Getting lost on YouTube

Riley Foran
DST 3880W / Fall 2019 / Section 2
3 min readSep 14, 2019

So I started out on YouTube where I wanted to see a lot of random videos. So to start out I was thinking about what old video could I start with. That’s when it hit me I’m going to start with “Charlie bit my finger”, this video was a classic. This video came out twelve years ago so it was a perfect place to start. After the Charlie bit my finger video I went over to the suggested videos where my next video was “Flying to wherever the dart lands” This was just people throwing a dart at a map and then showing us they have their tickets and you see them flying. After that video the next one lined up was a video by Kylie Jenner, “A day in the life”. And very much to my surprise this video was actually kind of funny and entertaining to watch. And to keep the ball rolling on the Kylie Jenner train the next video was “Eight expensive gifts that Travis has gifted Kylie”. And first of all… WTF. He gifted her so many cars. I was in shock watching this video because of the amount of money he’s spent on her. One day I wish to be that rich. My next video was “Ten most ridiculous things bought by billionaires”. Some of these things are just flat out absurd. There was one man, Clive Palmer, who was trying to fund the recreation of dinosaurs. To me that would be sick because he said he would try to make a Jurassic Park theme park. This was funny to me because on Twitter one time I saw this tweet that said “We have six movies on why that would be a bad idea”. I instantly though about that when I heard that this was actually possible and people were working on it. Another absolutely absurd purchase made by a billionaire was a billion-dollar house in India. His name is Mukesh Ambani, and apparently he is super secretive and won’t let anyone know what the inside looks like but the picture that they showed us was insane. They said it was twenty-seven stories high and it looks like something out of a movie. My last video was “seven things large companies don’t want you to know”. The most shocking thing I heard from this video was that for Chilies fajitas. Whenever I went to Chilies I would always get the fajitas purely because I loved them and I loved to hear them sizzle when they are coming. I just found out that they put a sauce called sizzle sauce under the pan so that it appears to be sizzling way more than it actually is. I was actually really upset when I heard this because I felt so cheated. That was one of my favorite parts of going to chilies. This activity was very interesting to me because I didn’t know where I was going to end up or what video I was going to watch next. I surfed the YouTube landscape and I just went down the rabbit hole. I got lost in the videos I was watching and it all started out with Charlie bit my finger and ended on seven things large companies don’t want you to know. I have no idea how I got there but I did and it was a fun journey.

