Matt Luke
4 min readSep 13, 2019

Matt Luke



Social media is something that I have been studying intensively for the past six years. I am a content creator on Instagram and Youtube and in order to get my content seen I have to study the algorithms of different social media platforms. One of the biggest area’s and forms of driving traffic to my videos include building links through various websites. As a result, this essay was extremely easy to write because I go on the journey every day as a result of the work I do online. Begin of course with an upload to youtube or Instagram but in this case, I uploaded a DJ analysis video to my youtube channel. After I uploaded I noticed that there were zero views. Oh no! SOon thereafter I went to other people’s youtube pages and looked at their video seeing what the posted and the kind of keywords they used to optimize the youtube search algorithm and compared it to mine. If I saw that the competing video did well and matched my niche and was similar to the video I just uploaded then I used that video to drive traffic to my channel. I then scrolled down to the comment section to run a personal ad campaign engaging with people in the comment section and posting ads promoting my video. I repeat this process until I’m tired of spamming other larger youtube accounts pages.

After youtube, I then scroll over to tumbler to continue the ad campaign. Tumblr is a great way to build links because it’s a visual platform with a slightly different audience than youtube. The other places I look for on the web to build links include Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, word press, twitter and tic tok. With each platform and website, I go to the goal is to create a message that grabs the audience’s attention and can drive traffic to my channel by whatever means necessary. One of the messages I ended using said: “I know none of you will read this message however I would love if could check out my first video.” Ironically, posting that got a polarizing reaction with people loving and hating it. Whatever their feeling the message definitely accomplished its goal of grabbing people’s attention. After I’m done with the internet ad campaign the next task on my journey was to search for ways to optimize my videos and to search for new ideas for future videos.

I pulled up a video from Roberto Blake by doing a youtube search on how to get to your first 1000 subscribers on youtube. He talked about having a unified niche and how one should opt for a unique color scheme and interesting thumbnail as a ploy to grab the people’s attention. I found the video helpful however as with most videos out there on the internet his sole purpose for making the video was not to help me learn anything but to collect as many views and subscribers for himself. I was under the impression that I would have to watch multiple of his videos in order to learn what I need to know. After watching Blake’s video I searched for ideas of my next video. So I did a search for comedy and reaction videos on google to see what popped up. I saw a couple videos by DJ Ghost online nd clicked on his videos. DJ Ghost is a relatively large creator that capitalizes off of the immense amount of people that watch music videos. What he does is that he reacts to their music video and indirectly reaps the benefits of the beautiful subs! I thought that would be a good idea so I decided right then and there I would make a few reaction videos and began thinking of some that I wanted to do. My youtube ad campaign/business develop saga turned out to be very productive and I was feeling like I was getting somewhere. That was the case until the last bit of my Derive where I spent the remainder of my time looking at Cat videos. I actually watched a compilation of cat videos one after another and found them very entertaining. Until I looked up and noticed much of my life I just wasted away and how I forgot all about what I was initially supposed to do. My derive was educating in the fact that I will try my best not to watch any more cat videos!