The power of Netflix.

Teniah G.
DST 3880W / Fall 2019 / Section 2
5 min readSep 27, 2019

My Argument is that Netflix and streaming of movies is the future of movie watching.

One thing about me is I am in extreme movie lover. I love TV shows and movies, but it’s not just about watching a show for me it’s about being engaged. It’s about letting the movie captivate you until you feel as if you belong in that moment that you’re in. It used to be a time where the only place we can watch movies was either on cable TV or at the movies. Making it a little less accessible to see your favorite movie until VHS and video tapes came about. Then came the Blue-ray DVD ROM player which made all of your movies seem more high definition. But it was still kind of an inconvenience because you had to leave your home in order to see another movie rather it’s going to the movie theater Or going to blockbuster It still required you to travel to see a movie. But all of that seem to change when the world of streaming, Took off. The Internet as we know it began to become a movie theater in itself. Which came about the rise of Netflix. Netflix has been around since 1997 it was founded by two men named Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings.

Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings

Netflix was one of the first television services to be offered through the Internet. This was groundbreaking in the world of media. Because it showed other companies different avenues to create A cheaper and more effective method in displaying movies. Netflix sold an online subscription to receive unlimited movies. No one had ever seen this before. Most people were just used to going to their local Blockbuster and paying one price to see a movie. But for the same price of that one movie they could just order a subscription to Netflix. When Netflix first started off you would pay for your subscription then you would go online and choose the movie that you would like to watch. And it would be sent to you in the mail. It was a process that worked very well. Netflix had over 10,000 movies to choose from which was mind blowing for the time.

A group of gentlemen that called themselves Bellkor’s Pragmatic chaosCreated an algorithm that helped Netflix find movies that the customers individually would like. And creating this algorithm The owners of Netflix did not realize how effective and important that being able to predict your customers movie preferences would be.

These gentlemen ended up winning a prize of $1 million.

These gentlemen actually improve the company by a 10% increase in popularity which was huge. In 2007 the option began to become available for subscribers to be able to watch and stream their movies from home. By using their Internet in their homes versus having to have the DVDs delivered. Even though you were able to watch the streaming service from your house half of the movies in the company were DVDs and the other half were streamed. But all of that changed in 2010 when the whole service itself became an online streaming service only. There were no longer DVDs at all which took people by shock. Especially in a time where everyone was just now understanding how streaming actually worked.

Netflix continue to grow and expand financially and content wise as well. Always and constantly putting out things that we all as individuals would like to see due to the personalization of each individual subscribers account. By the year 2016 Netflix had been launched in over 190 countries around the world. They now today have over 130 million subscribers. That shows you how influential Netflix has been. I remember a time where Netflix used to constantly and always have the same old content. Making you almost want to continue watching cable to see something new. After tons of reviews letting them know that this was an issue, they did the one thing that made them the most successful. Which was listen to the customer many people told him about the issues that they were having in regards to seeing the same content. So Netflix immediately revamped and added as many new movies as possible. A lot of movies have to sell you the right to publish their content on your website which you have to pay for. Netflix realize this and thought well instead of only buying content why don’t we create movies on our own. Netflix began to publish and create their own movies cutting out the middleman. Which gave them the rights to all their movies and also save them a lot of money financially. And also brought in more income for the company.

Netflix shows and movies began to become some of the most popular content that the world has ever seen. People from all over the world know the names of shows created by Netflix or in love with the characters and fantasize about being them. Which is very powerful, Netflix has created an empire solely based off of keeping up with the times and taking their customers ideas into consideration to create a successful and long-term business. Netflix has paved the way for so many other companies like Hulu and other online streaming services that probably would not have the courage to do what they are doing without Netflix stepping up first. There are many very famous celebrities that actually star in Netflix originals which shocked the audience even more. Such as Will Smith The Rock and Kevin Hart and many more. Just looking at all the growth that has occurred in the world due to the Internet is amazing. It’s also inspiring because a lot of the time you never truly realize how impactful the little things that we watch on TV can be on our lives. Also, how impactful that they can be on our communities in the people that we interact with daily. It’s a funny thing now that you can learn so much about someone just by what they like to watch on TV.

