Breaking the Cycle

Kyron Reese
DST 3880W / Spring 2019 / Section 2
1 min readFeb 14, 2019

You don’t have to be held a prisoner by your old, familiar habits and assumptions.

In this case doing something that feels wrong, means you are doing something right.

Then there’s the theory that people like negative feelings. Those feelings are familiar especially at night.

You are falling, but standing. Are you afraid or are you scared?

Cause we are in darkness but we are addicted to it, yet positive energies are in the air.

You are not used to feeding yourself proper nutrients.

I would never treat a dog this way.

Numb to complements, No matter what anyone else says I will always feel that way.

My mom smokes cigarettes, it is a really bad habit.

I refuse, I refuse, I refuse. Why do I deserve it?

I have gotten so far using this as motivation, now balance comes into play.

It is so hard, and exhausting, sometimes even seems it is not the right move.

I will never tell someone they need to change.

