Creating Shane Dawson

Kaitlyn Roberts
DST 3880W / Spring 2019 / Section 2
6 min readFeb 28, 2019

Shane Lee Yaw, professionally known as Shane Dawson is a man of influence for this generation and many to come. But, why? Who is this man and why are thousands of people charmed by Dawson?

The way in which our society consumes media has evolved into a monster of technology. However, Dawson manages to tackle this world and all the more, become the father of it.

Understanding the platform in which Dawson uses to amplify his voice is paramount to fathom who Dawson is and how he influences the masses. YouTube is a media outlet like no other. It is said that a successful social media network is based on the fact that there is a growing system where brands, content creators, and any user can benefit from the use of such a platform. Hence, YouTube. This social media platform has evolved into the mother of most platforms that has followed since YouTube’s birth. Facebook, Snap chat, Instagram, and many more are examples of such platforms.

YouTube is the leader of all platforms for a handful of reasons.

The first being, the notion of compensation for the creators who publish their content to YouTube. Compensation can come in a variety of things, not just in money. Compensation is the first thing that sets YouTube apart from other platforms who do not directly compensate for the creators. Thus, creating a stronger incentive to use YouTube over anything else. The second reason why YouTube is such a strong motive for Shane Dawson to reap benefits would be, the community. YouTube has been around since 2008 which, so happens to be when Dawson first started to publish his content. It is a self-sufficient community that takes care of the creators and the fans.

2008 Shane Dawson is someone completely different than the current 2019 Shane Dawson. Not just in his looks but, in his content. Before the community of YouTube began and before the influence of the world set in, Dawson was creating content similar to what others were making. It was content that just filled a void, without much of a real meaning behind it. Today, Dawson’s work is something of great impact. He has gotten the conversation started on important stories within the community. He has turned into this pop culture journalist type YouTuber; all because the needs to flourish were met by the platform of YouTube.

The final major reason why YouTube is a top contender for content and for vloggers like Dawson to stay loyal, is that YouTube accepts competition and assembles the underrepresented creators. This in turn, builds an ecosystem of constant creation for the masses. So, why not choose YouTube as the platform to have millions of voices finally be heard?

Shane Dawson is a thirty year old man whose profession could not have been possible if it was not for the internet. People who create content for YouTube can be professionally titled as YouTube creators. Creators like Dawson, personally identify with the view of being part of something as massive as the YouTube platform. With this power, creators can have their voices heard in even the most remote corners of the world. With this reach, comes great practice in constraint.

In the society we live in today, anyone can turn into someone with a few clicks of a button. Most of the fame can be credited to extreme, daring acts or something short of ridiculous. No matter the attributes for how one rises to fame but rather, what keeps someone famous? That seems to be the million dollar question. In Dawson’s case, he relies on the curiosities of his fan base. Dawson has used his fame and the power of his voice to make things worth while and to make others take a second look at important matters; instead of doing silly things to get views.

That meaning, Dawson takes into account what other people are talking about and what they want to be further discussed on a larger platform, more public. Dawson’s success relies on his fan base and keen knowledge of the YouTube outlet. I believe that is what makes Shane Dawson one of the most popular stars; he listens to people.

Dawson’s newest YouTube video series has the internet buzzing with excitement, wonder, and even fear. But to begin, let us start with the type of content he makes. Simply put, Dawson creates video series ranging in popular topics within our culture.

Shane Dawson began filming and editing more lengthy videos one day. He decided the topics being discussed within the videos were too important to cut short. Rather, Dawson decided to lengthen the video into two or more parts. Thus creating, his trademark documentary style, multi-part videos. His TV quality videos launched his YouTube channel, and life, into the spotlight. People typing away at their computers and staring aimlessly at their screens started to stop and listen. That in itself is a powerful thing to achieve.

His most recent installment of videos focus on conspiracy theories. This specific topic has been a widely requested video theme. Dawson reached out to his fan base and decided to give them insight on what they wanted to know. Instead of just Googling topics like conspiracy theories, fans of his would rather watch an informational video based solely on the conspiracies Shane Dawson wanted to talk about.

I find it interesting that people prefer to watch Shane Dawson talk about and investigate the topic rather than, watching a movie or TV show about conspiracies. This could have never been possible before the Internet. Everyday people requesting for someone of fame to talk about what they want and what they’re interested in is becoming more and more popular. Content is focused on being made for the people instead of content being made and people adjusting to the interest of it.

These days, no one wants to spend more than a few minutes reading an article or watching a video. Somehow, Dawson flips that concept. Shane Dawson draws the eyes in due to the topics he explores in front of the camera, and in front of the world’s eyes. Such topics include; relevant issues within the “YouTube family,” portrait pieces, conspiracy theories, confrontation, and much more.

The most important thing I think most people do not realize is, Dawson researches these topics for an extensive amount of time. Dawson also uses his position in the social media world to reach other sources previously deemed unreachable if not for the internet.

Shane Dawson tries to get as many possible opinions, theories, and facts as he possibly can in his videos. This investigative approach makes him prestigious in this world of anyone saying what they like and posting it online.

In conclusion, this content would not be possible without the internet. The wide reaching arms the internet gives to a kid in his own room is a powerful thing. It can create careers, debunk myths, uncover the truth, bring people together, and inform the masses on topics they truly want to know more about. Shane Dawson is a prime example of what good can come from the internet’s influence and the knowledge it can bring along with it. The content we, as a society consume, would not nearly be as intense and influential if not for the internet. Shane Dawson is just a mouthpiece and a sliver of a case of what could be.

