The YT Rabbithole

Alyssa Wyatt
DST 3880W / Spring 2019 / Section 2
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

In a random search through YouTube, you can find yourself in quite the rabbit-hole. After signing out of my account (as to get an authentic look) I clicked on a video that looked moderately interesting.

First video — Freeze Dried Eggs.

I learned that you can freeze dry things in the comfort of your home. I still don’t know what freeze drying does to something. (After a quick google, I understand.) I learned that in the process of freeze drying something, you can reconstitute it — bring it “back to life.” The King of Random froze many different versions of eggs — scrambled, over-easy, hard-boiled, raw, raw but cracked into a bowl, and raw but with the shell melted off by vinegar (we should really be careful about ingesting vinegar stuff tbh). Only scrambled eggs could be reconstituted (with the help of some water) and “taste no different than fresh eggs.” The raw egg that was cracked into a bowl and turned into powder. They then made cake mugs out of the dried egg (adding a bit more water than usual, as with all reconstituted things) and a regular egg for comparison. There was no difference between the cake mugs in flavor and size, but the texture of the dried egg was fluffier.

Second Video — How Lack of Sleep Can Affect You

This was difficult to follow and didn’t actually answer the title “What would happen if you didn’t sleep for a week.” It never mentioned a time frame, only that a lack of sleep can cause something called “explosive head syndrome” Which I think I’ve experienced before. It’s when you’re starting to drift off to sleep and experience a sudden and “explosively” loud noise — either heard from your ears or within your head. You can also experience flashes of bright light when your eyes are closed. Naturally, this spooks the person and their heart starts to race, making it more difficult to fall asleep. It isn’t as documented because it’s not that common and when it DOES happen, people brush it off as a weird dream.

Third Video — A Woman Walking Stopped by a Cop

A woman walks to and from work — a 12 mile round trip taking a total of 8 hours. A cop stopped and asked her if she needed a ride somewhere. It had been raining rather hard and she appreciated it. He eventually told his colleagues that if they saw her, take her to or from work. Eventually, Sgt Bass (the first cop who spotted her) went to walmart and explained the story to the manager, who helped to donate a bike to the woman.

Fourth Video — A Movie Review

A movie exists called Spark: A Space Tale. It’s made by the same people that made Nut Job. I’ve seen this YouTuber a view times — he watches movies that we’d never watch and gives us a solid plot summary in about 20 minutes or less. I enjoy watching him because he gives the movies the benefit of the doubt and truly tries to see the good in each one — no matter how cringey.

Fifth Video — Chicken Noodles!!!

A heartwarming video of an old old man making food for his village. I implore you to watch this if you like any of the food videos made by Tasty on YouTube.

