Simple Portfolio 2011: Update with 6 weeks to go

Dan Sweet
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2012

Since May 3, 2011:
DOW up 3.4%
S&P500 up 4.4%
Nasdaq up 10.0%

This portfolio has returned 17.0% since May 3, 2011. Given the Wall Street approach of measuring relative returns on a one year basis, I feel good about closing in on a 7–13% market beat.

Here is the current portfolio, purchased in May 2011, originally posted here:

AAPL 14% (Huge margins, huge revenue growth, tons of cash.)
GOOG 22% (“Less than free” looks likely to crush most competitors.)
GTU 23% (US policymakers will continue printing money = gold higher.)
FCX 20% (The developing world will continue developing.)
IBB 22% (All those smart scientists will eventually do something cool.)

Not sure what to think about the 29% hit my FCX position has taken. I still believe in the developing world continuing to develop but haven’t enjoyed the loss.

I bailed on the gold trade (GTU) at 1,815 Back in August of 2011 as it seemed a bit frothy. I avoided quite a bit of pain but that money has been sitting in cash since then. Good thing it is just my money so I’m allowed to do that.

Key lessons learned so far: Don’t overthink it. Once you make a good plan, let it work for you.

