BerryNet is collaborating with Databox to give the control over use of data back to users.

Wei Ning Lu
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2018

We have grown accustomed to the ease with which technology enables our lives. However, our desire for convenient technology often gives up our privacy — and sometimes we’re not even aware of the tradeoffs. Concerns around privacy of home IoT devices, like the Amazon Echo, have recently increased as they gain more popularity. Given all of this the question is: is keeping privacy even possible in our modern world, and what level of control should we reasonably expect as users?

Some customers may want to receive a free service like Facebook in exchange for sharing their data. We believe that customers should be able to choose between sharing their data to gain access to services or be able to pay for the services directly, but without having to share their data.

At DT42, we always believe that bringing data analytics such as machine learning/deep learning technology to edge devices is the key towards the future that people can have better privacy.

As many of our readers might know, our project, BerryNet, is a smart brain for IoT devices to collect information and analyze the signals locally. BerryNet will soon begin cooperation with the Databox project to increase control over privacy while also increasing the value of personal data. Databox is an open-source project developing a privacy-aware personal data platform led by teams from Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, and University of Nottingham.

Collaboration between BerryNet and Databox will enable a new option for future IoT developers. Instead of taking users’ data and keeping it in the cloud, risking breaking the trust between service provider and the users, developers can use BerryNet and Databox to analyze data locally. Users of applications built with by BerryNet and Databox, will not need to give data to exchange for intelligent service anymore; your data never leaves your house.

Our mission is to give the control over use of data back to users. With tools like BerryNet and Databox, we hope to provide tools and services that adhere to higher standards such as GDPR that are spreading through societies across the world, and will help support compliance with those standards.

1.BerryNet Github:
2.Databox project — funded by the UK EPSRC grant EP/N028260/2:

