Design inspiration of the week #1
via DTALE Design Studio

Arun Maroon
DTALE Design Stories
2 min readJan 10, 2018
All Invoved Ted Bed by Volen Valentinov
My Desk
Product Design Concept by Surja Sen Das
Electric Indigo Opening AudioVisual Performance by Jie Liou
“Artisti” — E-Commerce Template Concept by Ashfak Ahmed Sayem
Jewellery Display by Simon Evrard
Fancy E-commerce by 1$ PSD
Beer Cans
Brand Identity design
Packaging Design
UI Design by George Railean
Packaging Design by Dan Lawrence
Interior Design by Simon Evrard
Magazine Design by 46&2 // Visual Sorcery
Type Design by Ion Lucin
Design of everyday things by JAN KOCHANSKI

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Arun Maroon
DTALE Design Stories

Chief Designer @ DTALE Design Studio. We DESIGN Digital Experiences that tell a STORY