User Friendly Error Message Conversational Design

Namratha Patel
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018

Hey guys!

This article is all about Error Handling conversational design.

While having conversations with chatbots we happen to come across several error messages like “I’m sorry I didn’t get you” ,“I think you’re looking for something I cannot help you with.” ,“Sorry! I didn’t understand” etc.

These kind of messages keep the user confused like what next?🤔 Or keep the user hanging and he won’t be able to exit out of the conversation and he might drop off (this in turn affect the business).😕

You might have experienced that your chatbot is receiving random questions 🤷from the users who are clearly testing the chatbot in every possible way. These irrelevant and random questions can be named as conversational divergences, which cannot be prevented.

Here are some of the conversational design as Error Message examples:

  1. If the user enters invalid phone number — Invalid Phone number!
    Please enter your10 digit valid Phone number.
  2. If the user enters invalid policy number — Invalid Policy number!
    Please enter the valid Policy number.
  3. If the user enters invalid email address — Invalid Email ID!
    Please enter your valid Email ID.
  4. If the user enters invalid OTP— Invalid OTP!
    Please enter the 4 digit valid OTP.

* If the user enters anything that is invalid always ask them to enter the valid one. Here the conversations are straightforward.

*The Bot explains what is the error and ask the user to enter the valid input.

*Making user understand what exactly the Bot expects is very important.

Always know that your users are never wrong…! 😉😜

  • In general a chatbot, conversations are designed and created for a particular use-case or expecting a certain input from the user. Therefore it is clear the it will be not able to answer all the possible questions asked. 💔
  • If you can deal with the user in such situations, there are a good chance of ensuring a positive user experience while having the conversation.



Namratha Patel
Writer for

UX Researcher, Conversation Designer, Psychology Enthusiast.