Published in
6 min readOct 25, 2018

Dtrack is a complementary cryptocurrency that has been developed on ethereum Network to allow anyone, regardless of technical ability, easy access to cryptocurrency. Within a few minutes of installing the mobile app any user can see Dtrack being added to their wallet via the unique body (proof of exercise) mining experience. Nearly all cryptocurrencies are “mined” with specialist equipment. Dtrack can be obtained via the body mining experience, ie your app running on the background tracks your steps and heartbeats. We’ve developed a fully functioning crypto coin with some very unique features. We’ve identified multiple enormous markets and we’re developing a free iOS and Android app.

The Dtrack Token introduces Proof or Exercise (POE). The POE is a smart contract-based rewards system that its activated by detecting locations in the geolocation coordinates smart contract and by tracking your steps and heartbeat via the Dtrack mobile App and smart contract to deliver block reward. Token earning structure estimates, these are based on mining difficulty, therefore the more tokens you can earn the more valuable they will become.

Dtrack pair to pair VR exercise platform. Our technology will provide an avenue for subscribers to place a bet on the virtual reality section of the application, individuals will place a bet against the avatar of themselves on the varieties of physical events, games, and social practices, these techniques will give game developers the opportunity to develop games related to physical exercises in the virtual world section of the application, each game will be thoroughly examined by our team of expert gamers before it will be showcased for subscribers to play, this will thus make it competitive for more than one individual to participate by betting directly against each other or indirectly staking on a particular gamer (avatar) to emerge, winner of the best base on the individual ratings, our major objective is to build an active but very competitive virtual-life where physically challenged people can as well be a part of the mining process irrespective of their impediments.

Our goal is to motivate people into exercising and becoming healthy with currency and to compensate them with the dtrack token.

As a company our vision is to foster the global adoption of blockchain technology through fitness, we intend to persuade every individual to remain fit and as such causing global adoption of cryptocurrency.

WHY MINING? Before we started thinking about our project, we had one thing in our mind. How might we prevent the enormous mining ranches from getting all the market hashing power? The fundamental motivation behind why we cherish digital currency is that it gets rid of the middleman. We really believed that we could dispense with the uncalled for conveyance technique for digital currency mining. Huge mining ranches have instructed us that the ones who have more cash, profit; simply like in the public arena these days. With Dtrack tokens, we are on the whole equivalent.

PROBLEM STATEMENT Many individuals don’t have sufficient energy or inspiration to practice in the fitness room. Many attempt diverse techniques like joining a pleasant rec center, persuading a companion to encourage, following advancement, and rationally compensating themselves. When we figure out how to drag ourselves to the GYM in the nighttime, we, for the most part, feel depleted from work, and the majority of the occasions you rather simply go home, watch TVs, and go to bed. The most interesting part is that Exercising doesn’t just strengthen your muscles, it also strengthens your heart and bones, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces your body fat. By addressing this problem, everyone will stay in shape, live a healthier life, look better, and also get paid in DTK token by using the dtrack app.

By leveraging the Ethereum Blockchain, we have developed a Decentralized Proof of Exercise token with an innovative mobile application that allows you to mine DTK token with your body. The Dtrack platform will develop the dtrack mobile app that rewards users while exercising their body anywhere in the world by introducing a Proof of Exercise token called Dtrack token (DTK). The more exercise, and movement of the body, the more DTK tokens you will earn.

DTRACK MARKET CONTEXT Having the mission of taking blockchain technology to the world, we’re targeting the 2.1 billion smartphone users. The number of smartphone users is gauge to develop from 2.1 billion in 2016 to around 2.5 billion in 2019, with smartphone infiltration rates expanding too. A little more than 36 percent of the total world population is anticipated to utilize a smartphone by 2019, up from around 10 percent in 2011. The data below show smartphone shipments; Smartphone shipments declined 2% annually to 360 million units in Q2 2018. The top 10 brands accounted for 79% of the smartphone volumes in Q2 2018. Samsung led the smartphone market by volume with a market share of 20% in Q2 2018 even though it registered an annual decline of 11% due to weak sales of its flagship Galaxy S9 series smartphones. Huawei shipments grew 41% annually in Q2 2018. The company managed to be the fastest growing (21%) smartphone brand amid a declining China smartphone market, and grew fully 71% overseas. Apple shipped 41.3 million iPhones during Q2 2018, up 1% compared to the same quarter last year. iPhone X remains the top seller for Apple during the quarter.

MOBILE MINING ( SUCCESS STORY) The mobile mining experience is completely revolutionary way to earn cryptocurrency by “mining” on your phone. The fact remains mobile phone isn’t really doing the hard work of mining the coins, that’s already done, with “electroneum” being the first to develop the mobile cryptocurrency miner, and having 1 million+ downloads on Google and apple play store, this has been an eye opener to many people knowing that our phones can really such job with just having data turned on an app running on background, many entrepreneurs and developers have taken the opportunity to develop several mobile mining applications using different proofs, this urges us to start thinking of Dtrack another way to mine cryptocurrency with your mobile phone, and we believe with success of electroneum and other mobile miners Dtrack won’t be exempted.

TOKEN ECONOMY Dtrack token will be based on ethereum — a decentralized platform for applications that run precisely as modified with no shot of misrepresentation, oversight or outsider impedance. all transactions will be anchored with best in class cryptography, and the blockchain honesty will be secured by CPU-productivity. The DTK token fills the dtrack platform by encouraging and anchoring business exchanges amongst users, Working as an API get to the key, the DTK token will fill a wide assortment of needs, including getting to information on the blockchain, starting exchanges and contracts, and remunerating framework members — to give some examples. In order to get the above all stated on this whitepaper implemented, we’re raising funds via public sale otherwise known as ICO. The in-house calculations have resulted in a maximum financing target of a hard cap of 1808 ETH. The realisation of the project is not possible under this amount. Unsold tokens from the public will be burned. The ICO will be of three stages, total of 3,000,000,000 DTK token to be sold on each stage; Stage One 3,000,000,000 TOKEN 1ETH = 8,000,000 DTK 10% BONUS Stage Two 4,000,000,000 TOKEN 1ETH = 6,000,000 DTK 5% BONUS Stage Three 2,000,000,000 TOKEN 1ETH = 3,000,000 DTK 1% BONUS HARDCAP 1808.75 ETH SALES PROCEED ALLOCATIONS Dtrack Ecosystem development 60% Marketing 15% Exchange listing 20% Legal, buyback & admin 5%

Name: Dtrack Token

Ticker: DTK

Type: Utility Token


Ethereum /ERC-20

Dezimal: 18

website dtrack.org


bitcointalk thread

Stay tuned for update on progress of our project!



Editor for

Dtrack is a complementary cryptocurrency that enables anyone, regardless of technical ability, to mine cryptocurrency via proof of exercise. (POE)