Dtravel Property Protection

David F
Dtravel Community
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2021

As a host, welcoming guests into your property should be a positive experience for everyone involved. However, in the rare event that things go wrong and your property or belongings are damaged by a guest during a stay booked on Dtravel, we’ve developed an innovative protection solution to provide you with peace of mind.

All properties listed by hosts on Dtravel are eligible to receive protection under the Dtravel Protection Pool. To ensure that sufficient funds are readily available to assist hosts when such events occur, the Protection Pool will provide hosts with up to US$1,000,000 in property protection for eligible requests.

Perpetual Growth

In order for the Protection Pool to be sustainable in perpetuity while simultaneously adapting to the growth of the Dtravel network, 10% of booking fees received by the Community Treasury will be allocated to the Protection Pool.

As Dtravel grows, so too will the size of the Protection Pool.

Protection Pool Team

Dtravel is building a dedicated Protection Pool Team to manage protection claims, decision making and distribution of pool funds. One of Dtravel’s goals is to enable all hosts and guests to contribute as part of the Protection Pool Team via the Community DAO and the Support-to-Earn program.

See our Support-to-Earn article to learn more about the program.

Extra Protection

Dtravel has been exploring opportunities for offering additional protection to hosts who wish to increase the threshold available through the Protection Pool.

The current design involves hosts staking a set amount of TRVL in the Protection Pool to be granted a boost factor, increasing the amount that they may receive beyond US$1,000,000. For more information, please visit the Extra Protection from Protection Pool section in the White Paper.

NOTE: Extra Protection is not yet available and is still being reviewed. The proposed mechanism and terms are subject to change.

Protection Pool Funding Mechanisms

Soon after the TRVL token generation event (TGE), the Community Treasury will transfer 1,000,000 TRVL to the Protection Pool. This amounts to 0.1% of the maximum TRVL supply, 0.4% of the Community Treasury’s allocation, and 2.0% of the Community Treasury’s allocation at the TGE.

As part of Dtravel’s asset management practices, the Protection Pool Team will:

  • Gradually convert the Protection Pool’s funds to stablecoins; and
  • Stake part of the Protection Pool’s funds to yield-generating DeFi protocols to grow the pool while managing risk.

Until the Protection Pool reaches the milestone of having US$1,000,000 in stablecoins, the Dtravel DAO is committed to granting loans from the Community Treasury to the Protection Pool in the event that the Protection Pool requires additional funds to assist hosts.

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