New Look, Same Community-Driven Vision

Dtravel Community
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2021

Dtravel unveils redesign of brand identity

We first introduced Dtravel back in June, when we communicated our mission: to empower members to participate in the growth and decision making of Dtravel while enabling them to capture genuine social and economic value in the process.

As a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), we believe in community governance and ownership. We see this model gaining momentum with the introduction of Web3, an emerging evolution of the internet defined by increasing decentralization within organizations that are owned by their builders and users, and orchestrated with tokens.

After months of hard work building the platform and expanding the team contributing to Dtravel, we’re excited to officially unveil the new look of Dtravel, which you’ll find on our refreshed website starting today. While our brand may look different, our vision remains intact and stronger than ever: to enable hosts, guests and community members to work together to build and realize the full potential of a new home-sharing experience.

We’re excited to share some images of our new brand below.

A future post will breakdown the visual system and its meaning.

To view the new website and branding, please visit:

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