
Felipe Duarte
Felipe Duarte
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2016
Cocreation of the Culture of Permanence - The Game with Tanja Schwarz. (April 2016 @ Arc Artistic Residency)

Artist Statement

My work is built through participatory experiments that contribute with the ongoing update of the social contracts we walk into without reflection — Be it by pressure, habit or tradition. In the job market, politics, romantic love, entrepreneurship or the art world. All around us thrive games that generate collective results that none of us want! Why is this? I`ve found that to go beyond mere critique and opinion we need to gather compassion
for the light and dark aspects of human interaction.

Observation is the first pillar — through the diligent practice of daily observation and recording of my impressions on surrounding phenomena in natural and social systems, I work to grow the quality of my attention.

Gathering comprehension for the incentives behind the smallest of actions or the greatest atrocities has shown me that behind them
are the same basic human needs. Acknowledgement, security, belonging, purpose, identity, relevance and bonding are examples of human necessities we all seek to fulfill, each of us in very different ways.

Raising consciousness about our individual strategies is the second pillar — The perceiver must realize he is responsible for what he has perceived — his perception is truly his creation. It is not enough to understand this only at the intellectual level. Participants in my works are invited to experience this larger horizon as affective and relational possibilities.

That is my third pillar — Prototyping social space that allows us to explore utopia through agency. To create meta programming opportunities for self-creation. A face to face encounters with consciousness.

