Introducing the Dual Use Blog
In the decade since I left the Marines, ‘innovation’ has gone from niche to in vogue for DoD. And in the decade since I’ve joined the business world, the private sector has realized that ‘human capital’ is the ultimate driving for behind their businesses.
So like many, I have applauded the desire of DoD to seek out improvements, but I’ve noticed that the conversation they’ve kicked off rarely goes further that technology and almost never is a two-way dialogue. The reality is, that while DoD can learn a lot from the private sector as it pertains to technology and products, it can also teach a lot about leadership and human capital.
Dual Use Blog is my own contribution to the national dialogue.
What it is: I plan to highlight philosophies, methods, and yes, technologies that one or the other side is utilizing that the other should be aware of.
What it isn’t: I do not have an editor and plan to err on the side of pushing ideas over perfection. I am also representing my own thoughts and ideas, which do not represent anyone or any employer’s beliefs or positions.
I welcome anyone else’s contribution to the dialogue, just let me know!
The opinions expressed in this paper are solely that of the author