Circle Payments Integration

Enabling deposits and withdrawals in 3 currencies across 10 networks

2 min readJun 29, 2023


At Dubbz, we are continually seeking ways to enhance our user experience and offer the most versatile and easy to use platform. Today, we are excited to announce that the first phase of our integration with Circle is live.

Circle, the creator of USDC, is a trailblazer in the world of digital currency. So, what does the integration of Circle’s payment system into the Dubbz platform mean for you?

To start, you can now make deposits and withdrawals in your Dubbz Wallet with Ether, Bitcoin, and USDC on all networks on which it operates. However, the benefits don’t stop there — this integration marks a pivotal advancement in our use of the USDC. As Circle expands its ecosystem into new regions and with new technologies, Dubbz will be able to expand the ways in which USDC is used within the platform, allowing us to provide new and exciting features to our users.

Like Dubbz, Circle holds a strong commitment to legal compliance. This mutual dedication ensures that we can strengthen the sustainability of our services while providing a secure and trusted ecosystem.

What does the integration offer?

More currencies and networks

Make deposits and withdrawals to your in-platform Dubbz Wallet in ETH, BTC, and USDC on 10 networks (Ethereum, Avalanche, Stellar, Arbitrum, Algoran, Tron, Flow, Solana, Hedera, and Polygon).

ETH and BTC deposits are automatically settled in USDC and reflected in your Dubbz Wallet balance.

Compatible with Centralized Exchanges

Pay using custodial wallets from centralized exchanges such as Coinbase or Binance. No self-custody wallet required.

Instant Withdrawals

Stop waiting. Make withdrawals from your Dubbz Wallet instantly using our Circle integration.

Where is this integration available?

For now, the Circle integration is only available in the United States. Due to local laws regarding wagering and the use of USDC, this integration will not be available in certain states; the full list of states can be found in section 4.4 of our Terms of Use.

We are working diligently to expand this offering in other parts of the world.

Note: For mobile app users, the Circle integration is available on Android but won’t be available in iOS due to Apple’s rules regarding third party payment providers. You can manage your Dubbz Wallet on iOS using your mobile web browser.

About Dubbz

Dubbz is a blockchain-based infrastructure provider and game discoverability platform, facilitating skills-based wagering and competitive play in the next generation of games. The platform revolutionizes competitive gaming by seamlessly integrating wagering into gameplay, providing game developers with new monetization opportunities and empowering gamers to earn rewards with engaging and competitive experiences.

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