Setting up your Development Environment with Docker Compose

dubizzle Techie
dubizzle Engineering
6 min readOct 29, 2018

Story by Ara Hayrabedian

At dubizzle we lean towards a service-oriented architecture whenever it makes sense, this means that when you're developing, you may need to run several server stacks. Some of us use docker-compose, a super-convenient way of coordinating containers and easily spinning up and taking down services on your development machine (and elsewhere). This guide will walk you through some of the thicker parts of setting up such an environment. In this tutorial, we assume some basic familiarity with docker.

Before we begin

We assume you're running docker natively on Linux for the most part (hereby referred to as 'your_docker_host'), however, docker-compose works just as well on OSX with docker-machine, including phenomenally smooth support for mounting volumes.

My First docker-compose Stack

As a primer, we will first spin up a group of containers with dependencies between them. Something like this should do nicely:

version: '2'
image: <your_web_app_here>:latest
- "80:80"
- postgres
- memcached

image: memcached:latest

image: postgres:9.3

A word of warning before we continue, the above configuration would have no long-term persistence, I won't get into persistency for the sake of brevity, that's a blog post on its own, but two ways to do it are: data-only containers and named volumes (docker version > 1.9.0), though I haven't tried the latter myself yet.

So the above configuration, when you run docker-compose up, will be nice enough to make sure that both Memcached and Postgres are up and running before bringing up your webapp, older versions of docker-compose required that you explicitly declare every network dependency as well. More recent versions of docker-compose use an internal DNS mechanism that allows every container to talk to every other container unless explicitly configured otherwise (see docker networking documentation). Personally, I have found that if you declare your really hard dependencies in depends_on(say, mainly backing stores), you'll generally be okay.

If I were to run something like ping postgresfrom within the webappcontainer, I'd expect a response at this point. The Postgres and Memcached containers are, by default configured to only expose their relevant ports within the docker-compose network. We have also explicitly declared that the host's port 80 should be mapped to port 80 of our webapp. If I were to curl your_docker_host:80, I'd expect the webapp container to respond.

Make sure you understand what's happening above, as we'll be slowly evolving the above config throughout this tutorial.

My Second, more useful, docker-compose Stack

I'll now throw in a few useful docker-compose tricks, while still fairly basic, are leaps ahead of the first stack.

version: '2'
image: <your_web_app_here>:latest
- "80:80"
- postgres
- memcached
- /path/to/my/code/on/my/dev/machine:/path/to/the/code/in/the/container
env_file: env_vars/webapp_env_vars.env

image: memcached:latest

image: postgres:9.3



You should notice two new things here:

1) webappdeclares an env_file from which to pick up env vars. This is important because we configure a lot of our applications with environment variables so that the same docker image can run in different environments, taking inspiration from 12-factor apps. The variables in this env file are loaded up into the container when it runs. It also means, in line with best practices, we can avoid committing checking in secrets and passwords into our code and source control.

2) webappalso declares a volume. In this case, we want to get some development done, so we mount our source code in the place the webapp container expects to serve it, this will vary depending on your setup so I only provide nonsense paths. But what it means is that making a change on your own machine will reflect inside the container, how cool is that!? It's super cool. Because we don't want to build a new image every time we want to test a code change.


You guessed it, it's time to fire up two, independent but dependent stacks. Let's say microservice webapponeand microservice webapptwo. They will talk to each other, the outside web will also want to talk to them. You can already guess we have an issue here. Port 80. Port 80 is an issue... Solution? Toss in a Load Balancer/reverse proxy to handle port 80 and route requests based on hostnames.

version: '2'
image: haproxy:1.6.4
- ./conf/haproxy:/usr/local/etc/haproxy # assuming you have that folder structure on your own machine
- "80:80"
- webappone
- webapptwo

image: <your_web_app_one_here>:latest
- postgresone
- memcachedone
- /path/to/my/code/on/my/dev/machine/code_for_one:/path/to/the/code/in/the/container
env_file: env_vars/webapp_one_env_vars.env

image: memcached:latest

image: postgres:9.3

image: <your_web_app_two_here>:latest
- postgrestwo
- memcachedtwo
- /path/to/my/code/on/my/dev/machine/code_for_two:/path/to/the/code/in/the/container
env_file: env_vars/webapp_two_env_vars.env

image: memcached:latest

image: postgres:9.3






# This is a DEVELOPMENT haproxy configuration to be run inside a docker
# container, please refrain from thinking about using it in production.

user haproxy
group haproxy

log global
mode http
option httplog
balance roundrobin
contimeout 5000
clitimeout 50000
srvtimeout 50000

frontend http
default_backend host_one # we feel like putting priority on webappone
acl host_one hdr(host) -i one.something.local
acl host_two hdr(host) -i two.something.local
use_backend one if host_one
use_backend two if host_two

# Reminder, docker-compose provides the hostnames via internal DNS, we'll explicitly
# specify the ports though because we feel like it. Look at how beautiful the
# uniformity is though. Every webapp exposes port 80. #NO #CONFLICT #NO #WAR
backend one
server webapp_one webappone:80

backend two
server webapp_two webapptwo:80

To explain: we have two webapps, each listening (in its own container) on port 80, we now have the ENTIRE STACK being represented by HAProxy listening on port 80 and routing requests based on headers. Why HAProxy? because. you can toss in whatever reverse proxy you like, nginx or otherwise.

So a request lifecycle looks roughly like:

Browser hits up your_docker_host (because you put one.something.local and two.something.local in your hosts file pointing there (if dev)):

hey, I'd like two.something.local, bro, please serve.


oh wow, this guy wants two.something.local, I should totally hit up webapptwo:80 on my internal network to see what he/she says.


request has come in with host two.something.local, That's actually me! I should totes mcgotes serve that, what path did they want again, OH! Here it is!, RETURNIFY

Traverse in reverse and you have a response to the browser. Done.

Bonus section: local, self-signed SSL.

So your website is mainly in SSL and you've ALWAYS had difficulty duplicating it locally. Fear no more. You can now serve your stack locally, with SSL to boot.

HAProxy supports SSL termination since 1.5.X, see here. You'll notice in the previous config we mounted an haproxy config. We'll reuse this mount (not the cleanest config, but we're just demonstrating here) in order to also serve HTTPS traffic. We need to do 2 things:

  1. Start the haproxy container listening on port 443 (if you've gotten this far, you should know how to allow haproxy to listen on port 443)
  2. Push our self-signed certificate into our haproxy container (as already stated, we've already mounted a volume, so we only need to add our .crt file into that folder, next to the haproxy config)
  3. Tell our haproxy.cfg to start using this self-signed the certificate for termination, add:bind ssl crt /usr/local/etc/haproxy/self.pem to your frontend httpblock.

and there you have it. Two webapps served via https with unified ports under a docker stack. Note that your webapps themselves will still receive regular HTTP traffic. Hence why it's called SSL termination

Lessons learned the hard way

docker-compose is quirky:

you may need to take things into your own hands and completely rmcontainers if:

  1. you change env vars
  2. you change ports



dubizzle Techie
dubizzle Engineering

More about tech, product and how we execute stuff on dubizzle.