Use Cases of dubtokens

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5 min readFeb 1, 2018

Dubtokens are the cryptocurrency of the blockchain-based Interactive Video and Experience Protocol (IVEP). They are held by members of the IVEP Association, possess various attributes, and are rewarded or exchanged when members perform certain actions within the protocol. Here we cover some use cases of dubtoken’s utility, consumption, growth incentive, governance, and trust attributes:

1. UTILITY: Dubtokens are needed to acquire video engagement data through the protocol and deliver interactive content to video.

A core focus of the IVEP is to make real-human, untampered, video engagement data, available to all participants of the protocol. The Certified Human Metrics feature is used to collect, measure, and deliver data and is one of the most distinctive offerings available to IVEP participants. It also plays a significant role in combating rampant ad fraud in the video industry today. Dubtoken holders have the ability to acquire this video engagement data to assess performance to inform future content and ad campaigns.

2. CONSUMPTION: Dubtokens are also used to pay for certain Smart Objects (which are verified applications, services, and templates used to enhance video content and created by software developers and designers of the IVEP), premium content, by-the-minute-content broadcasts, and other services.

Examples of the innovative interactive features offered through the IVEP and enabled with dubtokens include:

Shoppable Video

The first priority of the IVEP is to further develop and improve upon shoppable features for video. This includes the ability to shop products directly within video as well as making available various shopping services (like pay-per-click and commission-based compensation services) to creators and publishers on any website. Dubtokens can be used to apply shoppable features to video and review engagement and performance data.


The IVEP will look to enable content creators to partner with charitable organizations and nonprofits to collect donations in a new, streamlined manner. When a creator promotes a charity’s event or cause within a video or live broadcast, donations can be made directly within the video or broadcast using, for instance, touch ID technology on a smartphone.

Alternatively, content creators can set up a donation feature within non-sponsored videos as a way of supporting their business. For example, let’s say a content creator makes a video recapping a holiday trip to Hawaii. The video includes a full interactive itinerary with restaurant and activity reviews, price points, and lots of other information that would be valuable to someone planning a similar trip. Loyal subscribers and anyone doing research on Hawaii could chose to donate to the creator to thank her/him for sharing valuable insights and information (that, in turn, saves the subscriber/researcher time while planning their trip).

Music and Ticket Sales

Dubtokens can allow artists and musicians to sell songs, albums, and concert tickets right within their music videos or live broadcast. This efficient purchasing solution benefits buyers as well as artists and musicians who can bypass potentially higher fees associated with independent ticket-sale platforms.

Other solutions available to musicians and artists include onboarding fans to their fan clubs and providing exclusive content through subscriptions directly within their music videos, live broadcasts, and other digital experiences.

Product Placement in the Digital World

As the online video industry continues to evolve — particularly with the development of interactive video experiences, we’re presented with new monetization features for these experiences. Marketers can work with brands and content creators to authentically ‘place’ product within new digital experiences such as augmented and virtual reality, live gaming broadcasts, and video on demand services (on all devices) as well.

Content Screening

IVEP will look to bring together a community of trusted content screeners for online publishers and advertisers with a unique content screening consensus system which will be powered by dubtokens. This system will reward the most engaging and trusted content screeners and provide a very unique method for preventing abuses and protecting a brand’s goodwill.

Note: Dubtokens are not needed to experience the basic content created with the protocol.

3. GROWTH INCENTIVES: The IVEP’s tokenized economic model highly incentivizes software developers and designers to produce Smart Objects and features to enhance video content and benefit members of the protocol. A vast catalogue of programmable Smart Objects will be offered to content creators, publishers, advertisers, and retailers through the IVEP’s dApp Store.

Growth incentives go beyond software developers and designers. For example, dubtokens can be awarded to participants for the interactions they perform on the IVEP, incentivizing participants to interact with and share video content, through the publishers of their choice.

4. GOVERNANCE: Each dubtoken entitles its holder to one vote at the Association level.

The election of the Board of Directors is an important instance when holders may exercise their right to vote and influence the overall evolution of the protocol. Other examples of important matters that dubtoken holders may vote on include migrating the protocol or exporting the Association to another jurisdiction.

5. TRUST: Trust scores (which range from -100 to +100) are issued to every protocol participant and measure the behavior of each IVEP identity and determine how likely the participant is to respect the code of conduct, as well as consistently bring value to the protocol (source: whitepaper). Trust scores change over time to reflect how well participants respect the code of conduct and how much value they add to the protocol.

Dubtokens can be used to increase the trust score of all protocol participants by “tipping” them for their contributions to the ecosystem. For example, a publication may receive a tip from a software developer or designer after implementing a programmable Smart Object in a streamable video.

On the flip side, a low trust score may indicate a participant’s abuse of the IVEP’s code of conduct and/or lack of participation in the protocol.

The IVEP’s dubtokens come with various utility, consumptive, trust, governance, and growth incentive attributes. They allow token holders to perform actions such as enhancing a video’s interactivity (via shoppable features, donations, polling, and more), awarding contributions and behavior that benefit all members of the protocol, and voting on important matters and elections. To learn more about dubtokens and how to join the IVEP, read our whitepaper for an in-depth description of the opportunity and learn more about the dubtoken pre-sale happening now here.

Note: a dubtoken is not a security, debt, equity, investment contract or other profit sharing or interest bearing instrument.




A new decentralized protocol and dAPP store for interactive video and experiences. Launching Soon! Overseen by the IVEP Association. @dubtokens