ALL Possible Areas for Blockchain Implementation

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2 min readJun 18, 2018

How extensive is the sphere of blockchain implementation? In which certain areas this technology might be used?

Specially for those who are interested in blockchain and it’s future we prepared a list that contains all possible cases of blockchain technology application.

Well, let’s take a look on this!

1) Financial Instruments, Records and Models

Currency, Private equities, Public equities, Bonds, Derivatives , Voting rights, Commodities, Spending records, Trading records, Mortgage / loan records, Servicing records, Crowd-funding, Micro-finance, Micro-charity

2) Public Records

Land titles, Vehicle registries, Business license, Business ownership records, Regulatory records, Criminal records, Passports, Birth certificates, Death certificates, Voter IDs, Voting, Health / Safety Inspections, Building permits, Gun permits, Forensic evidence, Court records, Voting records, Non-profit records, Government/non-profit accounting/transparency

3) Private Records

Contracts, Signatures, Wills, Trusts, Escrows,GPS trails (personal)

4) Other Semi-Public Records

Degree, Certifications, Learning Outcomes, Grades, HR records, Medical records, Accounting records, Business transaction records, Genome data, GPS trails (institutional), Delivery records, Arbitration

5) Physical Asset Keys

Home / apartment keys, Hotel room keys, Car keys, Rental car keys, Leased cars keys, Locker keys, Safety deposit box keys, Package delivery (split key between delivery firm and receiver), Betting records

6) Intangibles

Coupons, Vouchers, Reservations (restaurants, hotels, queues, etc), Movie tickets, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Software licenses, Videogame licenses, Music/movie/book licenses (DRM), Domain names, Online identities, Proof of authorship

As you might see, the possibilities and opportunities of blockchain go far beyond the cryptocurrencies and tokens. The blockchain with the concept of smart-contracts creates the new business and social paradigms and models that have a chance to completely change our lives.

Here in DUCATUR we develop a MultiChain Oracle Framework that will make the implementation and use of blockchain technology easier and more affordable for businesses and organizations.

Here in DUCATUR we are paving the way for a new decentralized Future.

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