Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2018


Time is money.

Benjamin Franklin once said. After almost 150 years, his portrait really appeared on the $100 banknotes.

From year to year, all banking and financial systems were constantly improving, covering a wider range of participants, developing new tools and technologies.
What’s the last good thing you can remember from the interesting innovations? Iridescent banknotes and jewelry engraved coins? Cool, beautiful, now we do not even want to spend them anywhere. ATM machines with cameras and paint-cassette? Now you can feel safe before you take a few steps away from the machine.

Can we do something better and global?
Lots of ideas.
For example, move all transactions and operations to a decentralized blockchain system.
- Hell, no.
- Why?

The answer is simple — it’s not profitable. Profit has become the main goal for market participants. Obey the rules or swim against the tide and be a weirdo selling flamethrowers and baseball caps in the name of science?

The choice is yours.

The modern cryptocurrency market resembles a primitive society — several Aboriginals are trying to take away as much meat and stones as possible from the others. New inventions are just bright flashes of creativity in the monotonous division of resources.

Emphatically? Maybe. Undoubtedly, there are projects that seek to upgrade the current system. But their number is not comparable to the amount of scam and other “empty shells”, not burdened with reasons to exist in the post-industrial era.
Consumer attitude to the once fertile soil, as well as an absolute disrespect for colleagues and direct customers can once again confirm that the main goal remains the same — personal profit. Just personal, cash, you know?

To act as an innovator, to invent something completely new or to improve the existing is not the common way of noble patrons, it is much easier to use what is already there and make the easiest profit.

A man will never set foot on Mars if he is ready to give money to scammers and casinos of all grades. Humanity will never plunge into utopia if it is divided by strife and conflicts. No one will ever be able to throw off a selfie with the Milky Way to his mother, as long as the whole society is spinning its wheels.

Technology > profit, it’s time to remember this easy formula for all those who dream about personal Bender and distant planets.

The blockchain will not be able to function in stagnation for a long time.
Forks of Bitcoin and Ethereum perfectly entered the exchanges, and as perfectly will become useless after quite short period.

Blockchain must have a second life.

So it could not only distribute coins between traders and miners, but also get in the list of “know-how” words when demonstrating the latest ICO Ethereum+ mega-supa-dupa cash. Blockchain needs a really strong use-case proving its effectiveness. So it can push the industry up and forward, instead of filling someone’s bank account. Able to integrate a wide range of functions in our daily lives. Replace the human factor, avoiding the possibility of being cheated. Go against the banks and” fifth wheels” in modern financial systems.

We offer our solution to all of the above.

Oracle for smart-contracts.

What is it?
Exactly that incorruptible “bridge” between buyer A and seller B; between businessman C and businessman D; customer E and contractor F. An objective and secure system designed to model any human relationship, so that all conditions are met as much as possible, and participants do not feel deceived in any ways.

More information about the way we do it can be found in the WhitePaper.

Much less known quote, right? It belongs to the same Franklin from the most popular banknote.

Invest your resources rationally, if not contributing to the science development and optimization of all mankind, then certainly not in blind attempts to go to success through exchanges and trades.



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