Your job might become more delightful after reading this

Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018

Oh, the modern business. New spheres are created, innovative industries. Constant development is going on. But, the problem we are stating all the time is scaling. Modern business is getting broader and broader with time increasing the variety of things people can do and create. But, are we going up?

No vertical scaling as stated is a constant problem for most of the modern entities: the business is creating new directions, but it is not being modified itself. The way people do business is almost the same as they did long ago. I suppose a very obvious question came to your head: “Is it any other way?”. Yes, you can read about it in one of our articles

So, let’s get closer to the point. Here is a brief vision of the main problems in business and solutions to them:

First one and the main is a lack of automation. There are automated industry, conveyors, tons of software that ease the life of any employer, but any kind of interaction and financial operations automation is at a pretty low level.
The solution we can offer is smart-contracts.
Avoiding technical details, let’s get right to the example.

The opium of all employees — salary. Can you just imagine how much effort is needed to give you the money you earned? Calculation of your effort, measurement, budget tracking and more optional steps which depend on the specific of your job and only then you have your money. This process can be made much easier with smart-contracts measuring the amount of job you have done and paying the amount you earned from the budget.

Simple and what’s more important — fair.

The other problem we can point out is the lack of transparency. Most of the time, you just simply can’t know what is happening in the structure, you don’t know what is happening in the budget of your company and where does it go. The transparency is the answer, provided with blockchain and smart-contracts.

Knowing what happens and participating in strategic planning for your company creates responsibility and motivation to fulfil your own expectations. Give it a try!

There are lots of ways of creating such a system. Imagine, having a common budget managed by the algorithm with voting based decision-making and immutable code. The power in people as a key to success and prosperity.

There is a huge amount of options on creation of the decentralized company, but implementation of the concept itself can bring the whole business model to a new method of interaction. Such modification can lead to an enormous increase in productivity of the company, because of one simple reason.


By creating such an environment people will be ensured in they safety, have a freedom of choice and opportunity to release their creativity. Isn’t it something common? Yes, it is.



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