DuckDAO Enters Strategic Partnership with TrustSwap

Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2020

The duck family keeps on growing to accommodate the ever-increasing needs of our ecosystem. We are beyond excited to call the great people at TrustSwap our feathery brothers and sisters. This collaboration will provide both organizations with enhanced capabilities to deliver value to projects and investors.

The partnership’s main idea is to share resources and technology to pursue supreme service for early-stage blockchain projects. Working together, our marketing, research, and fundraising capabilities will be multiplied to deliver more value to projects and both of our communities.

Regarding the partnership Jeff Kirdeikis, TrustSwap CEO said:

“There are a lot of values that bring DuckDAO and TrustSwap close together, this partnership was inevitable. We both strive for greatness and we are not afraid to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We both make big promises and overdeliver regardless of the cost. From our perspective, DuckDAO is an amazing partner. They are close to many early-stage projects, and this partnership provides us with a platform to reach these organizations as they are making important fundraising decisions, and we have a lot to offer.”

A DuckDAO founding member commented on the partnership, saying:

“TrustSwap took a great idea and gave it life. We are proud to be working alongside such entrepreneurial people. Since DuckDAO was formed, there have been many times when what was needed was not readily available, and we had to do it ourselves or not do it at all. If you are reading these updates, you know the lengths to which we are ready to go for our community, and TrustSwap shares these values with us. This partnership will take DuckDAO and TrustSwap to the next level and enable us to move faster than ever before.”

Beyond resources, DuckDAO and TrustSwap will share experiences and deal opportunities with one another. Both organizations are in touch with early-stage projects, but they are equipped with different resources and technology. Together, great things can happen.

About TrustSwap

TrustSwap is a foundational layer in decentralized finance, enabling safe and customizable transactions for the global crypto ecosystem. Jeff Kirdeikis, TrustSwap CEO, was struggling to find a trustless, decentralized solution for token allocations. The alternative would have been a costly lawyer fee, who would act as a middleman that issues time-based payments. Instead, he opted for the entrepreneurial approach, and TrustSwap was born out of necessity.

Today, any project can use TrustSwap to transfer tokens to investors over time, making vesting processes simple, safe, and inexpensive. TrustSwap is hard at work to continue to innovate in crypto payments solutions, eliminating intermediaries wherever possible.





Find Out More About DuckDAO🐥

DuckDAO is a community-backed blockchain-centric incubator platform that provides promising early-stage crypto startups with the expertise, financial resources, and marketing power needed to put them on the path to success.

Who will win? One VC or a thousand ducks?




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