DuckDAO presents: Refundable IDOs on DuckSTARTER

Zoran Spirkovski
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2021

The crypto markets have always been in a state of perpetual evolution. The highly volatile market conditions have conditioned many long-term crypto investors to accept these changes in market sentiment as a fact of life. Especially for DuckDAO and the ducks, market conditions are extremely important to provide a genuinely curated investing experience.

The refundable IDO is the latest DuckDAO innovation, a new risk-free way for the active IDO investors to gain temporary exposure to a new asset and observe its performance on the market while being able to get their capital investment back within the first 24 hours of the token’s public DEX listing.

It is the perfect model for current market conditions as it provides benefits to projects and investors alike. The investor is able to delay their commitment to a particular investment for the first 24 hours and make a decision on what to do after having seen the token in action, while the project receives tremendous amounts of support and engagement.

In the worst-case scenario where all investors refund their IDO tokens, the project continues to benefit as sell pressure is eliminated and instead investors go to DEXs to get the token which causes the opposite effect, pushing the price of the asset upwards.

Refundable IDOs make the refund option available for the first 24 hours instantly via the smart contract, no questions asked.

Investors that fail to make a decision in the first 24 hours will no longer be able to refund, should they make up their minds later on.

The above limitation is very important to notice and understand, so as to avoid unnecessary frustrations within the community. If you have any questions about these models, feel free to speak to any one of our amazing admins on Telegram, or reach out to directly.

Another important consideration is that fees associated with the platform are not refundable.

Why Refundable IDOs?

In our own micro world of investing we have observed a flippening of the ratio between projects and investors. January through to early June, this ratio was heavy on the investor side and lighter on the project side. Right now, things are inverted. There are many more projects wanting to do an IDO and the pool of interested investors is diminishing.

We are still keeping DuckSTARTER users confident. On average we have 3.5 investors for each seat in our IDOs, which still looks good compared to mid hype season (February/March) when we had an average of 12 investors for each seat.

However, the reality of the situation is one of supply and demand. There are so many projects that are waiting on the sidelines. In order to provide the highest levels of engagement and security for our users and help projects fulfill their goals, we proudly introduce you to the latest game-changing concept.

The core of IDOs has never been to finance the project, but rather to help it with hype, interest, and engagement with the overall crypto ecosystem. The refundable IDO will help filter the best possible projects, ones that are extremely confident in their success, project-to-market fit, and ability to deliver amazing work.

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The article above answers all of the basic questions that relate to DuckSTARTER, DuckTIERs, Burning Mechanism, and KYC.

Find Out More About DuckDAO🐥

DuckDAO is a community-backed digital asset incubator that provides promising early-stage crypto startups with the expertise, financial resources, and marketing power needed to fast-track their progress on the path to success.

Who will win? One VC or TWENTY thousand ducks?

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Zoran Spirkovski

Zoran publishes a blog post on Medium every day. He writes about whatever is relevant in his mind on the day he writes. Follow to get updates.