DuckDAO x Blockchain Consilium Enter into New Strategic Partnership

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2 min readSep 16, 2021

Trust is an integral part of crypto and blockchain technology. As the security and safety of smart contracts continue to become a growing concern in the industry, users need complete reassurance that the code underpinning a project’s smart contract is protected.

The Duck community strongly believes in the transparency and verifiability of modern smart contract technology in order to drive adoption and bring a greater benefit to all.

Therefore, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve formed a new strategic partnership with the team at Blockchain Consilium, a professional security firm specializing in top-notch ERC-20 token, DeFi, NFT smart contract audits.

As part of our partnership, we will be helping Blockchain Consilium with advisory services, growing their community, scaling their social media channels, and more to ensure they achieve the greatest possible success.

Blockchain Consilium Overview

Blockchain Consilium helps verify the legitimacy of Ethereum-based project smart contract systems, ensuring they’re error-proof and operational via an intense and professional audit.

With their services, projects can deploy their very own ERC-20 tokens smart contracts with the peace of mind that everything is fully functional, preparing them for public distribution.

Any project can inquire about receiving an audit from their highly skilled team — they’ll go through a rigorous smart contract evaluation process where every line of code is analyzed, where any bugs or issues are detected and flagged. Their engineers also locate and suggest potential pain points and areas for improvement through prompt and valuable feedback.

With over 99 audits already completed, $5.6 billion secured, and almost 100,000 lines of code reviewed, Blockchain Consilium is beginning to make headlines in the blockchain space as the go-to firm to meet project security needs.

Learn more about the project:

Find Out More About DuckDAO🐥

DuckDAO is a community-backed digital asset incubator that provides promising early-stage crypto startups with the expertise, financial resources, and marketing power needed to fast-track their progress on the path to success.

Who will win? One VC or twenty thousand ducks?

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