Have a Quacky Christmas and a Ducky New Year! 🐤🐤🐤

Published in
7 min readDec 25, 2020

A long time ago, in a world made of code, a small duck was seen, going on a stroll. Other ducks noticed and yelled “Stop! It’s dangerous out there!”, but our little duck, didn’t really care.

For you see, it was on a mission, and in its head a clear vision, it was going to become the richest duck, no matter what. Over many days, months, and years, the duck spoke without fear, inspired thousands to his cause, and promised wealth, riches, and cars.

“Together we can make it, alone we fall.” said the duck, to them all.

Word spread quick, about a duck with a trick. “What is your secret?” everybody asked.

“Keep your eyes wide and don’t let opportunity pass.” The duck explained. “There is more than enough for all to get paid.”

And paid they got, following the mighty duck in many adventures and business ventures.

Merry Christmas Ducks!

It’s been a real adventure since the start of DuckDAO. We moved fast to leverage the best early-stage opportunities and proved once and for all that our efforts pooled together can create impressive results.

Looking back at the past four months, we’ve come a long way, a culmination of results based on three years of hard work. We hosted twelve AMAs, two successful incubation projects, generated more than a dozen new partnerships, launched an NFT collectors game, and grew our community three-fold.

So, let’s take a look back at Christmas past and see what we achieved together.

DuckDAO Milestones

DuckDAO Telegram Member Growth

DuckDAO experienced massive growth starting in August after we launched our website on the 12th of July, 2020. This was by no means the start of DuckDAO. In fact, by this point we had already helped numerous projects, such as GEEQ, DeFiPie, and Fyooz raise the funds they need to succeed.

However, we believe the website helped spread the word about our community, making it easier for users to explain what DuckDAO is, what we do, and how to become a member.

During the same period, the DeFi movement was breaking through into the crypto mainstream, with several successful product launches happening between August and the end of September.

Last, but not least, we began documenting our progress on our Medium blog. This includes all of our partnerships, incubation projects, AMAs, projects, and weekly community updates.

These factors combined, produced the right conditions for DuckDAO’s organic growth. At the time of writing, the main Telegram group recently broke through 10,000 members.

Approximately 30% of these users hold DDIM, and this week’s DUCK token launch was a massive success with 2,867 holders just five days later.

All of this was achieved organically by our members, supported by various competitions, DuckDAO Hunters, and our ecosystem of partners.

Incubation Projects

Base Protocol (147x) and Bondly (14x) both performed exceptionally well. We managed to secure a discounted private allocation for community members and provide these projects with marketing support and advisory during their launch process.

After they pass our due diligence process, incubated projects are selected based on community interest, empiric analysis, project potential, and collaboration affinity. We negotiate as hard as possible to bring VC-level deals to our community and this is only possible because we act as one cohesive unit.

The incubated projects continue to be supported by DuckDAO even after their successful launch, with marketing and advisory. Our platform is constantly open for incubation projects and we happily share news, development, and achievements with our community.

With the Duck Liquidity Pool, we will have other ways to continue to provide support for projects.

The next project to get incubated is Poolz, a new Foundry project that is hoping to cause a ruckus in the crypto fundraising industry. Learn more about Poolz.


In DuckDAO, collaboration is celebrated. It is the cornerstone of our success, and without our community and strategic partners, this path we walk on would have been more difficult. They’ve been crucial in our efforts to navigate crypto, discover and get connected with projects, and increase the reach of our marketing.

Together, we’ve created a strong crypto investor ecosystem consisting of over 100k members, which truly drives home the point of the power of communities in early-stage project funding.

The following projects became DuckDAO partners since August:

Strategic partners:

Community partners:

More partnerships to follow in 2021.

DuckDAO Twitter

Twitter has been an increasingly important tool for reaching our community over a longer period of time. Telegram is great for real time communication, but Twitter helps us distribute messages over a longer period of time, developing a history that enables members to see if they’ve missed anything while they are gone.

DuckDAO’s twitter account was created on August 12th, 2020 and has grown to 15k members at the time of writing. During our first month on Twitter, we posted 75 tweets, reaching 241k users, and getting 13.1k profile visits, 814 mentions, and 1,328 new followers.

Looking at the analytics now in December 2020, we have posted 231 tweets, reaching 2.68 million people (Wow!), resulting in 208k profile visits, and we got 14.1k mentions, and 8.3k new followers.

This is the power of ten thousand ducks and their friends.

DuckDAO Ambassadors

A special thanks goes out to Ivan on Tech and Michael Gu from Boxmining for supporting us from the very beginning, as we were making plans to develop the Duck Liquidity Pool. They were critical in raising awareness about DuckDAO within their own communities.

In addition to the marketing support, both Ivan on Tech and Boxmining proved to be invaluable partners that helped DuckDAO achieve more by assisting us during brainstorming and strategic sessions.

The entirety of DuckDAO fully supports both of them in their mission to provide relevant information, education, and news for the broad cryptocurrency community.


“Ask Me Anything” is a segment where we bring on project leadership and give them space and time to answer questions asked by the community. These are incubation projects, but also strategic partners who want to spread the word about their project.

The main purpose of AMAs is to engage the community and see how they perceive the project. If the community is very interested, we take extra effort to secure the best possible allocations and get a great deal for the community.

Since August, we’ve conducted twelve AMAs, roughly three per month, during which projects gave away community rewards for the best and most challenging questions. One of these AMAs was for our own project, the recently launched Duck Liquidity Pool.

The other AMAs were:

Christmas Market Maker Drop

The market-making business has begun and profits will be shared with DUCK farmers today.

If you are actively farming DUCK, there is nothing more that you need to do to be eligible for the market maker rewards. Each DUCK farmer will receive a proportional reward depending on his or her stake in the network.

Market maker rewards are scheduled to be distributed in the next 24 hours.

Find Out More About DuckDAO🐥

DuckDAO is a community-backed digital asset incubator that provides promising early-stage crypto startups with the expertise, financial resources, and marketing power needed to fast track their progress on the path to success.

The DuckDaoDime token is your key to unlocking all of the DuckDAO benefits. You can access DDIM here.

Who will win? One VC or a thousand ducks?

Website: https://duckdao.io

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/It2yDE3QPPTw9JLLMHLXKA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dao_duck

CoinGecko (DDIM): https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/duckdaodime

EtherScan: https://etherscan.io/token/0xfbeea1c75e4c4465cb2fccc9c6d6afe984558e20

