Stakenet — AMA Summary

The first trustless interchain economy

Zoran Spirkovski
22 min readJan 19, 2021


On Sunday the 17th of January, the DuckDAO community had an AMA with John Draper, Andrew Osborne, Cameron Hiltz, and Jonathan Park from Stakenet.

Stakenet is a decentralized platform aiming to replace traditional banks, fiat currencies, payment gateways, and more. Stakenet provides the infrastructure for instant and free transactions and delivers a much more convenient way to handle your preferred store of value through an ecosystem of decentralized platforms, products, and services. The Stakenet blockchain is powered by its own native coin XSN, which is the money that will be used as the legal tender for the entire ecosystem.

Keeping it smart and simple, Stakenet provides:

  • A suite of effective investment tools for institutional and conventional investors; and
  • a platform for cross-chain interoperability to service the blockchain industry; and
  • the World’s first truly decentralized cryptocurrency bank

Other Features

  • Masternodes — Masternode owners will have access to various sources of income: regular blockrewards, the XSN Exchange’s trading fees, and fees for running TOR-network services.
  • Investment Agility — With Stakenet’s Cross Chain Proof of Stake (CCPoS) tech, users can stake XSN and receive rewards in any other coin.
  • Stakenet DX— A decentralized exchange run entirely by masternodes.
  • XSN Dapps — Using Stakenet’s unique combination of a masternode network and hardware, developers can create powerful DApps
  • XSN Excalibur — A unique multi-currency hardware wallet that allows coins in cold storage to earn rewards, and can interact with the XSN wallet or XSN light wallet.
  • XSN Cloud — The XSN cloud offers a trusted staking service for major proof of stake coins and a trustless Masternode hosting service, a fee-less monitoring tool for Masternodes, a calculator for staking rewards and Masternode earnings, and is the host of a merchant marketplace where coin owners can hire merchants to trustlessly stake their coins using TPoS, while the coins remain on the XSN Excalibur, Ledger hardware wallet, or in any other cold storage.
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Stakenet — John Draper — Director of operations

Stakenet — Andrew Osborne — Technical support

Stakenet — Cameron Hiltz — Marketing specialist

Stakenet — Jonathan Park — Community support

DuckDAO — Limmy — DuckDAO community representative

Please note that the following summary has been edited for clarity.


Welcome everyone to another DuckDAO AMA.

We are joined today by John Draper, Andrew Osborne, Cameron Hiltz, and Jonathan Park from Stakenet.

On behalf of the DuckDAO community, I’d like to welcome you all to our channel :)


Hello and thank you for having us!


Hello, happy to be here and getting a chance to talk with the DuckDAO community 👍


Hello everyone, it’s a pleasure to be here!


Hey guys thanks for having us here and letting us do an AMA with your community.


Could we please start with a bit of an intro for each of you — what are your backgrounds (both crypto and non-crypto), and what your respective roles are in Stakenet.


Of course, I am Andy and I handle the technical support side of Stakenet, Beta testing, and our YouTube videos, newbie-friendly technical guide, and articles.

I discovered Stakenet in 2018 and was instantly enthralled by their vision. I started out as a community member and then decided to become a TPoS merchant which gave me my first real taste of the technology offered by Stakenet. This nicely led me to create our first guides and videos for the project and helping out in the support channels where I progressed to becoming a team member.


I’m Cameron and I help with the marketing and community side of things. I was drawn to the project’s vision in Jan 2018 and have been here ever since. I believe that what is being built is absolutely necessary for the industry and look forward to seeing all the hard work come to fruition and getting it into people’s hands to try for themselves.


Hi, I’m Jonathan. I actually started as a normal community member, but as I made more and more different actions for the german community, and later also the English speaking one, I became a normal team member. I am actually studying medicine in Germany, but the Lightning network (and by this also Stakenet) really got my attention, so that’s why I am happy to be here.


I am John Draper & run operations for X9 a development group that is one of the contributors to the Stakenet protocol & platform.


How would you describe your project in simple terms for a non-technical investor/user? After all, there are plenty of them now, with more entering the space every day.


In simple terms, if you think about different projects and dApps as their own little islands what we are building are the bridges between those islands so people can move freely through the crypto-space.

Not only that but as we are doing it on the second layer those bridges are like infinitely scalable super highways allowing you to bypass on-chain congestion. Our DEX is just the first product that we have for the platform and will act as a showcase for what is possible on Layer 2.

“In simple terms, if you think about different projects and dApps as their own little islands, what we are building are the bridges between those islands so people can move freely through the crypto-space.”


Ah, I do love analogies like this one. So basically all the tech that you guys have created such as the Dex, masternodes, cloud, Excalibur, etc. are all there to help bridge the gaps in this space.


Yes so basically it was important to get the infrastructure in place first which is where things like the masternodes and the cloud come in to help support the network.


StakeNet is building the first Lightning DEX platform. What are the requirements (if any) that need to be met to ensure top quality projects get listed on your DEX platform and receive tier1 Liquidity?


This is where the Stakenet blockchain will play a critical role. By using our network governance it will by governance consensus, accept/audit what gets offered on the XSN specific orderbook. Anyone can run an orderbook as it is decentralised however the Masternode backed orderbook would be where users have added trust, liquidity and reliability assurance.


Would it be fair to say that this means that it does rely on the community (the masternode owners) to be able to do some amount of due diligence when looking at what is offered on the orderbook? Will there be some kind of centralized authority which can help to provide… “guidance” for lack of a better word?


Yes the masternode owners and community (therefore the chain itself) will play the role in quality assurance and due diligence. There wouldn’t be a central authority with power to decide, however the gov may come to consensus to allow players to assist with any extra auditing or guidance if/ where it may be needed.


On your website it says “It provides a trustless cross-chain platform built on top of its own cryptocurrency — XSN”.

Can you explain what you mean by trustless in this context?


Trustless is first and foremost the user is in total control of his/ her private keys at all times and doesn’t depend on any other entities (or network’s) security for private key protection = the user doesn’t have to trust anyone ( like you have to do when you store your coins on a CEX)

This is demonstrated by our cold staking tech -Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS).


With regards to the state channels to do transactions off-chain — Yes, transactions are fast and fees are low but how can we be sure that state channels are not manipulated or centralized?

As they keep transaction data, they must be decentralized and secure. What measures do you have to keep them safe?


Great question! To start with, layer 2 is much more private than L1, however as it’s decentralized it’s true anyone could set up hubs and try to “sniff” data. The teams working on it are very aware and there is already existing tech being prepared such as adding private flags to channels (so public can’t see amounts/ balances), schnorr signatures which allow for key aggregation (public won’t be able to distinguish state channel’s from normal tx’s on L1, allowing a lot more privacy moving coins on and off of L2), and from the clients side can integrate things such as TOR/VPN into the users client itself protecting individual privacy from any hubs they interact with

As this is an important issue, we feel confident the entire ecosystem will continue pushing user privacy centered features as it gets more widely used/ adopted


So it’s basically like the cybersecurity arms race between malicious actors and people trying to ensure security — the team is aware of the possible risks, and there is ongoing development being done to ensure the integrity of the network.


Correct, it’s emerging tech that is getting hardened and more secure by the week/ with every new update. Also for the question on security forgot to mention watchtowers as well, which we will be supporting in our wallet.


Cool — thanks John. Ok so our next question is a bit more technical:

Can you please explain Submarine swaps and how they work? What benefits does this implementation bring to the users of your platform?

How soon can we expect submarine swaps to be used to refill existing lightning channels instantly?


Submarine swaps allow you to move coins in lightning using on-chain TX’s. This will be useful for the DEX as users can “reload” balances, and avoid paying extra on chain fees for opening/closing many channels.

It will also reduce the overall wait time for creating/closing channels as you only need 1 channel which you can reload (refresh the balance) using submarine swaps.


Do you have a handy analogy like your “island” one above? 😁 Or perhaps some resources on medium etc.?


So with submarine swaps they allow you to get from onchain to offchain very quickly and easily. So it’s like an off-ramp from a congested road onto an empty highway. However it also works in reverse as well — it keeps your off-ramp open at all times for you to access meaning you can get on and off very quickly and is way more cost effective.


Ok that makes sense — thanks Cameron.

Stakenet is described as Cross-chain, but you guys seem to be primarily focusing on btc and the lightning network. Why is this?

Most of the value in crypto is being captured by the ethereum ecosystem so when will you be connecting to the eth and polkadot ecosystem? Any timelines or plans etc?


We are actually working with Connext for Ethereum and ERC20 support. Connext is at a basic level a version of Lightning Network for ETH/ERC20. As for timeline we are already well underway with integration and will be showcasing BTC<>USDT first as this is by far the most traded asset pairing in the industry and one that until now has not been easy to trade on Layer 2.

I would also argue that the bulk of value is actually in Bitcoin at the moment looking at the marketcaps which until now is a relatively untapped resource in this area so making sure we put focus on that has always been a priority for us. Making Bitcoin, Ethereum and other assets as accessible as possible is our goal.

Please also check out this promotional video, where we share our latest redesign concept for our Stakenet Multi-currency Light Wallet and DEX — including the Simple Swap User Interface (SSUI).


That trade would be exciting indeed to see on a DEX. This brings us nicely to our next question:

Can you explain the advantages of your Lightning DEX over current DEXs? How will Lightning change trading processes in the future?


I’m sure many of you here will have experienced high gas prices on Uniswap. Well, these high gas prices are caused by congestion on the Ethereum network. As more and more people build on ETH, the network will just get more and more congested causing ever increasing costs. This is the same with pretty much any blockchain that gets popular enough to generate enough traffic.

So we need a solution and that’s what Layer 2 is. Layer 2 moves that onchain traffic from Layer 1 and completes it off-chain on Layer 2. By doing this you can settle your transactions instantly, for little to no fee/gas and more privately.

Finally I believe we will be the first DEX suitable for high frequency traders (as we are not limited by onchain limits (block time, blockspace, fees for miners etc). These are completing thousands of trades a day. They aren’t going to be using an onchain DEX for this as the costs would be astronomical. With our DEX though for them it’s just like using a CEX with all their bots but with the added security of being in control of your assets and added privacy L2 provides.

Our L2 DEX makes use of what our community has dubbed “Vortex”, which is an aggregator that allows our DEX to connect to the liquidity of any exchange that offers access via API, centralised or decentralised, such as Binance, and allow users to instantly trade on our DEX and have the corresponding order matched on the opposite exchange.

You can see a live trade here from our DEX <> Binance:


How does this compare to other L2 DEXs? Or perhaps projects that are CLAIMING to be L2 as well.


Well, there is a lot of noise about Layer 2 now, seems like every week there is a new project claiming they will be the ones to do it but most seem to be using a form of on-chain (with its onchain limits) rollups and are limited to just ETH/ERC20. Our solution is not out of the box so is pretty unique which is why it has taken us 2 years to build it and won’t be easily replicated.


Good stuff — we always get a flurry of questions that are basically a permutation of “how do you compare to your competitors”, so it’s really good to see this point nailed down.

I understand that Stakenet allows users to stake coins in cold storage and then receive rewards offline. I’d like to know what mechanisms make these rewards possible.


This is my favourite topic as this is actually how I started my journey with Stakenet, as a TPoS merchant.

We have a technology called TPoS (trustless proof of stake) allowing you to delegate a 3rd party node to make verifications using your balance while all private keys are held offline safe in cold storage.

The beauty of it is that anyone can get their funds cold staking through TPoS — they could even become a merchant and start TPoS’ing other people’s funds and earn a commission (which is agreed beforehand through a smart contract) and is taken out of each block reward for doing so.

We have a technology called TPoS (trustless proof of stake) allowing you to delegate a 3rd party node to make verifications using your balance while all private keys are held offline safe in cold storage.

For a higher technical overview of TPoS check out this article we published all about it.


And this is a Stakenet invention right?

Oh right it says so right at the top of the article haha.


Haha, yeah it is one of our many innovations!


Awesome! Also — as someone on team ledger, the above is good to know.

Speaking of innovations:

Many people are aware of what Stakenet is developing in terms of the DEX, but the road map’s scope is much broader. What are some developments long into the future some of X9 is most excited about?


One thing we look forward to is to help “open up” spaces currently dominated by centralized big tech relating to compute. For example opening access to AI research and their associated algo’s (currently these are being hoarded and protected by big tech) using the blockchain is something we see could make sense. MN’s could discount the compute for researchers who in return must publish their algorithms and results of any compute tests used by the our network onto the public network itself for all to access. We think the power requirements wouldn’t need to be too high anyway (2500 low power nodes together, make a very strong compute service)

This would have a large impact on both the researchers themselves (won’t have to go to big tech for funding to train their algo’s), the public (would have access to all the research and results, as it’s published on the blockchain), and the MN’s/ the XSN Network would gain profits for providing this service, and add lots of utility to the coin!


Can you speak a little bit more about some of the other items (Wow this list is huge) such as oracles, and the aforementioned Watchtower?


Absolutely! Oracles are a very exciting development we have had a close eye on in XSN Research. In fact we had one concept regarding this called EPoS or exertive proof of stake that was actually patented by Microsoft after we published it (so we try and keep our cards close to our chest regarding too many details on our research)

Also Watchtowers will allow more protection for users (when a user is offline, their funds and channels will be protected/ watched over by off chain watchtowers)


XSN Research published a proposed mining system powered by physical exertion:

MS actually started the patent process on this 2 days after our article was published 😅


MS = Microsoft?!


Yes Microsoft.


Ok cool — Just so we’re clear lol.

What are you doing to gain developer adoption on StakeNet? Are there incentives or grants for people wanting to build applications on top of it?


The coming DEX hub will be a great point where developers can run their own hubs, bots, and achieve early gains during the Prometheus stage (profiting off channel rentals, trading bots, and exchanging fees)

In the near future we are also developing a front end UI for governance so there’s an easy accessible interactive proposal interface for building applications and fueling dev grants.


Awesome, sounds like there will be heaps of support for the Dev community!

What are your plans for adding other chains (ie. Tezos)? Are there any other true L2 solutions available for other chains like there’s lightning for BTC and Connext for ETH?


With Connext’s latest implementation, Vector, we will already have cross-chain routing network that can bounce between other L2s, ETH shards, primary blockchains and even EVM-compatible chains — such as Binance smart chain, Ethereum classic, TOMO chain, and others (for more blockchains that can be added with Connext Network in the future see here)

To our knowledge beside instant-send by DASH (which is still onchain) or some solutions that are all EVM blockchain related (eg Matic Network), there are no active other offchain scaling solutions we know of at the moment.

However we are actively researching for upcoming scaling solutions, if you are interested read more here


What other coins do you plan to add ASAP (XRP, NANO, etc.)?


Great question — as we have been asked this in the past.

XRP (Ripple) isn’t lightning swap compatible, but still by using our hubs we will be able to add any coin, as long as we have a way to interact via a wallet or a node. Specially the ones that have high tx/s rate, low block time and cheap tx fees (e.g. XRP, XLM, EOS or Nano like you say ). In those cases, an on-chain instant low fee trade would be feasible (e.g. Lightning BTC <> on-chain XRP). So a hybrid of lightning <> atomic swaps.


Will adding wallets be just as difficult as it was for ETH or is ETH an exception for the time it takes?


It depends on the chain being supported, its documentation and packages. ETH was address based vs UTXO which we had currently supported so it took some time. We also have plans to migrate our wallet to a different framework which will more easily integrate with 3rd party libraries and make new chain additions much faster.


Ok thanks guys — thus ends the structured segment of the AMA.

We’ll now open the chat for those that have any further questions they wish to ask the team. Thank you for the answers you’ve given to our community questions so far.

Please take your pick out of any questions that are submitted and we’ll finish up once you’ve answered them or you run out of time. Just let me know when.

To our community:

Please keep the questions nice and concise — don’t throw a wall of text at our guest(s) please! I’ll close it up again when we get a good number to choose from.

Duck (User @foodynow)

Can I run a Masternode and also stake my XSN? Where do I receive my Staking, TPoS or Masternode rewards? What if I have my coins in a hardware wallet like Ledger Nano?


So right now each Masternode costs 15000XSN. When your 15000XSN collateral is in a masternode it is locked for that purpose until you unlock it by breaking your node so you can not stake that same XSN. If you have 31000XSN you can run 2 masternodes (15000 x2) and then stake the remaining 1000. Your rewards are deposited to your wallet balance so would be added to the staking XSN. We will add the ability to stake your XSN directly from your Ledger device via TPoS once we finish up ETH/ERC20 integration in the lightwallet.

Duck (User @danakatajin)

What are your top 3 or 5 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year? Or any secrets?


Sure, we will shortly be announcing release dates for our Multi-Currency Light Wallet & DEX.

We will have ETH and ERC-20 active and trading within the DEX which will be shown pretty soon so keep an eye out for this!

And the thing I am looking forward to the most is the next network upgrade to account for Stage 2 of 3 Stage DEX release as per the above.

Duck (User @foodynow)

There are many people who say that Stakenet’s lightning swap mechanism is quite similar to Atomic Swap. So can you point out the difference between Atomic Swaps and Lightning Swaps so everyone can understand better?


Yes, the principle between the two is very similar — with the huge difference that atomic swaps are onchain and lightning swaps are offchain: therefore a btc <> eth onchain swap takes 20–30 minutes until it is settled, is visible to everyone and will cost a few dollars in fees.

Since lightning swaps are offchain, it takes 2–3 seconds to settle, nobody can see them on the explorer and there are no extra blockchain fees required.

Duck (User @Rjramesh)

Considering that infrastructures such as web applications and stakenet providers do not reach the required levels in terms of scaling How does a user aim to overcome these problems in single cross technologies and cross-chain solutions?


For scaling a decentralized system many of the problems arise from “bad actors” and spam on the system, we have for this a plan on our roadmap dubbed “HYDRA” which would assign the blockchain as an auditor and overseer to allow for most trust and therefore more speed

Duck (User @rokso99)

At this point, do you think you need CEX like binance to keep $XSN growing? Or is it better to focus on other activities than listing on a big CEX?


Right now as the DEX’s are only a few % of the total crypto exchange volume of course a listing on a major CEX may help with awareness and marketing purposes. However we do firmly believe that in the near future DEX’s will begin to dominate and eventually totally eclipse conventional centralized exchange platforms.

Duck (User @danakatajin)

How much profit do you make through your project?


So Stakenet is funded through it’s governance so there was no ICO or anything like that. Every month a proposal is sent to the MN holders to vote on to release funds from the treasury to continue development for the team. Each block produces 20 XSN and that is distributed 45% to a Masternode, 45% to a Staker and 10% to the treasury (9,9,2XSN). That 10% is what the MN owners vote to release each month.

Duck (User @pyororon)

We all know that the majority of real life users don’t know what blockchain is all about. How will the STAKENET team bring adoption & education on blockchain and consequently DeFi to these users?


That’s a really good question!

At Stakenet, we believe in innovation and making things as easy to use for anyone — a great example of this is our Simple Swap User Interface (SSUI) where users are able to begin trading on the Lightning Network with a single click of a button.

Breaking down barriers is an important thing in what we do, by opening the realm of complicated tech to those who do not understand it and making it simple to use.

In addition to this, I try to write all my guides and word my YouTube videos in an easy to understand manner so that anyone, even those who have no experience with tech, can understand them — as this is how we all start out in the beginning.

Duck (User @sandiegofA)

Can you list some great features of Stakenet that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?


  • We have a really decentralized network (+2700 worldwide masternodes)
  • We are adopting the latest tech (lightning and connext network)
  • Our first major product, the lightning DEX, will be scalable, private and ready for mass usage as we are leaving onchain problems behind us
  • There are several incentives to hold XSN ( Masternode / staking rewards, earning fees, getting paid for oracles, watchtower service; you can vote with your XSN etc.)

Duck (User @girlkpop11)

Currently there are a lot of DEX exchanges for users to choose from, So why should they choose to use XSN Dex instead of other Dex exchanges? Can you give people here 3 reasons why they should choose XSN Dex ?


Sure! Our DEX is one of the only existing state channel & lightning network architected DEX’s which brings some unique features such as

  1. Instant payment/ settlements (being off chain)
  2. Low fees (most DEX’s are on chain so you have long wait times and expensive on chain fees)
  3. Privacy (off chain gives a lot more privacy than on chain)

Duck (User @girlkpop11)

Why would you choose to comply with the Bitcoin / Lightning Network protocol? What benefits does this bring to Stakenet if Bitcoin / Lightning Network thrives in the future?


Lightning network has a proven active group of developers and community behind it with very good documentation, tool kits, and support. We chose to stay with it as they have proven brain power and consistency with dev

You can audit the lightning labs and see the activity for yourself via their GitHub here.

Duck (User @Pandalucu66)

I’m curious about the team’s record. I think it is important to invest in a project who has reliable workers. Has the team already worked on something related to the crypto industry and how many are in the team?


We currently have about 40 people who are involved in the project.

Our developers actually helped out Litecoin and solved the issues they were Lightning Network enabled. You can read more about this here.

Duck (User @Algojali)

DeFi is one of the hottest topics in the blockchain field. Can you share your opinion about DeFi with us? Do you think DeFi will destroy the existing financial system? What’s your project Approach towards DeFi?


We are very bullish on all of DeFi and strongly abide by its vision. Yes we do believe DeFi will destroy the current financial system in place and transfer its power to the public networks, community and people

Duck (User @roi10x)

How can I become a Maternode owner? How many XSN minimum do I need to do that?


Anyone can run a masternode,we’ve got some great resources to show you how to do it and they are non-tech friendly!

You need 15,000 XSN to run a masternode

Duck (User @samseker)

What are the plans of STAKENET in place for global expansion, are you focusing on the market at this time? or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or focusing on partnerships?


Yes, actually a little bit of all: we recently announced first partnerships (like DuckDAO), we will be listed soon on Bitfinex, doing giveaways on social media, will have different Youtube Videos about us, articles; also making our DEX more easy to use for everyone (simple swap UI), adding more coins + tokens, adding more security features etc

Duck (User @luckycoinker)

Why should anyone who does not know this project ever be interested? What is the strongest point of the project?


So I think if you look at where the industry is right now with the huge explosion of growth in the DEX sector it has highlighted a need for our product. Everyone who has been using Uniswap has been hit with the ever increasing gas fees for swaps, even if they fail you still get hit with the gas charge plus the also increasing confirmation times.

Our DEX is offchain so there are no gas fees, once you are offchain you can trade as much as you want and our trades are settled instantly. So for potential I believe if you look at Uniswap which has all these problems but has a $1.7Billion market cap and then there is us which is a fraction of that I believe there is a lot of room for growth and many users we can migrate over to our DEX with a superior solution.

Duck (User @danakatajin)

From your website, can we submit problems, suggestions, ideas or bug reports and get rewards? Where can we submit that?


You can go to our Discord, there we have different channels for all kind of problems / ideas

Duck (User @tolgaozek)

You took DEX on beta around August 2020. The period from beta to launch is that what you expected or did you have a delay?


This was expected as we are building the technology from the ground up and we want to ensure that we deliver a quality product. The period of August till now, has allowed the community to give their input on how the DEX looks to ensure that it is user friendly.

An interesting note is that Ethereum 2.0 took around 2 to 3 years itself to develop.

Duck (User @danakatajin)

Is this project a Global project? Can local communities partake in it ?


Yes, it is a worldwide / global project. we have german, dutch, turkish, italian communities (with own channels on discord + telegram + own twitter)

Duck (User @cogiaoxinh)

In the Future what are your plans of adding benefits for STAKENET tokens holders?


We focus on adding utility to the coin itself and blockchain through added services done by our network and specifically masternodes (for example running the DEX) it will benefit the participants of the network and holders of the coin via its utility

Duck (User @danakatajin)

Many Project talks only about their Strengths, Can You talk about the weak point that You project is Currently Dealing With?


So for me our weak point was marketing because we didn’t want to make a big splash then go away into development for years to build the tech. We have spent 2 years building the tech and have kept things very low key during that time. Now we are in the run up to launch we are finally putting resources towards marketing and stepping out into the spotlight.

Ok thanks for having us and we will be on Discord all day every day as always if you want to learn more 👍


Perfect guys, this is the last one from me so I personally I want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to listen to us!


Thank you for having us! 🙏🏻


Thank you guys for your time today! This has been quite an epic session. I would encourage everyone not already there to check out the Stakenet TG channel

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DuckDAO is a community-based digital asset incubator that provides promising early-stage crypto startups with the expertise, financial resources, and marketing power needed to fast track their progress on the path to success.

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Zoran Spirkovski

Zoran publishes a blog post on Medium every day. He writes about whatever is relevant in his mind on the day he writes. Follow to get updates.