Faces of Forever — video

Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure
2 min readNov 8, 2018

Some 15–20 years ago I went through a series of stunning and life-altering consciousness experiences. Occasionally I write about them.

I say “occasionally” due to the rather severe amount of marginalization and backlash that occurs when I share in writing or especially in person. I’m ‘tolerated’, mostly in the disguise of politeness.

Unfortunately (and it truly is unfortunate), these polite but misguided attitudes are an outgrowth of our culture. I call it the glorification of greed, but it’s not that simple I suppose. No matter what we label it, it’s clear we are consumed with the exaltation of technology, along with an unquenchable need for material satiation and an endless pursuit of things like wealth, approval, adventure and status. It. Never. Stops.

Add in thinly cloaked and vicious Class Warfare, and what we end up with is a relentless form of thumbscrew pressure, wedging us deeper and deeper into a glossy Netflix form of oblivious existence and 65" flatscreen numbness. Is it no wonder then that we have little to no room remaining in our pressure-drenched lives to think, contemplate and consider the world of an open mind and an open heart?

This video is directly related to an essay I wrote about one of my real-time, no drugs, consciousness journeys. I made the video about five years ago.



Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure

Construction worker and philosopher: “When I forget my ways, I am in The Way”