Fundamental Christianity

Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure
3 min readNov 25, 2017

Teacher: Scott Walter, Sensei

In my opinion, Christianity is fundamentally based on reincarnation and karma. Jesus said, unless we are born again, we cannot see the kingdom of God, and Christians wait daily for the coming again of Christ. As for karma, Jesus taught that the most important commandment was to love thy neighbor as thy self and the golden rule, Matthew 7:12, marks karma as the Law of the Prophets. These are benchmarks of Jesus’ teaching and Christian thought.

As far as karma goes, I feel it’s best to realize karma’s presence in the moment. The only connection karma has to the past is the continued dispositional characteristics carried forward in the moment.

Karma is our way of being in the moment, the action of converting of energy into matter and matter into energy according to our disposition and dwelling points.

We are creating our relationship to everything and to Heaven/Hell right now in our every moment. Until we take responsibility for our actions we will caught up in them unaware of our creative choice and opportunities. How much responsibility must we take? This is the question that leads to a resignation of our fuller relationship and to our falling into suffering.

Suffering begins when we begin to realize the effects of our choices and actions are not always perfectly balanced. To reduce suffering we must take the responsibility in our current moments to change how we act and react. Whether we are dwelling in Heaven or in Hell is a matter of our own dispositions.

We can reincarnate ourselves into new and better dwelling points when we choose new and better dispositions for converting life. This is what true conversion and the converting of our soul is about. We are already living in eternity. We will convert today and tomorrow and the next day into something. When we learn to convert our dwelling points, our negative dispositions, our hates, anger and fears, our bigotry, and intolerance into compassion, forgiveness, understanding, lovingness and positive growth, we will be living in purer states of Heaven and harmony.

The choice is within us. Discovering this truth is what our lives are about. Where are you searching in your discovery? How are you practicing? What are you becoming? What are doing with life? How are you serving others? What are you serving? Where are you dwelling inside yourself and where are you in the hearts of others? When each moment opens its energy and matter, what are you doing with that?

Imagine the stars in the sky and know they are being in the moment, too. See how they choose to radiate light and life? It’s their choices that make them different. And it’s our choices that can make us different. Stars care enough to power a solar system. Your life is yours to care for. Your disposition and what you tend to dwell on will be creating your now and tomorrow.

Scott Walter, Sensei
October 9, 2009

Fundamental Christianity
© 2009 by Great River Institute

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Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure

Construction worker and philosopher: “When I forget my ways, I am in The Way”