Reconciling our Separation from Oneness

Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure
16 min readNov 23, 2017

Teacher: Scott Walter, Sensei

The Christ is not a person. It is a way of being. Christ is the mend for the riff of separation caused by the fall of Adam. Christ is the mend for the separation in us all if we claim the place in the heart where it is the in-dwelling of. It represents a way of connecting to the ONEness. Adam was the name given to the soul entering into a new model of Humanity. That model was paired into male and female and was called Adam and Eve. They each represented an aspect of being. Christ is the way of connecting those aspects. When Adam and Eve fell away from the connection, the connection, or Christ was no longer able to be present in their way of being. This is because they had become separate from the Oneness within themselves.

This includes Adam and Eve in the separating from the Divine. In other words there is a way of being that makes this possible when you accept that way in your dwelling as well.

The way of being known as Christ is a way of being at One while living in two that is available to us, but just because it is in us to engage, it does not mean that we are engaging it. Buddha is a point within that has been opened to become available to our consciousness. But that does not mean everyone is living in that inward state of being.

And just because Jesus and Mary, being the later incarnations of Adam and Eve, were standing inwardly to open that pathway up for humanity, it does not mean humanity is dwelling in that opened potential. These souls were with us in the beginning and are part of every human being. Everyone has those inward points of reference, no matter the religion or lack of it. The Christ is a way of being that has been “loaded” back into the model. Any soul can follow that way. Each soul represents a point within the entire Human. We can all change our dwelling points and we all have a connection to the ONEness that is manifested through our common and individual aspects of being. There are the points of being that have been humanized as incarnations and there is the way of connecting between those points to the Source.

As Eve came from Adam and “God,” Jesus came from Mary and “God.” It had to happen that way to reverse the Fall. There was a lot of work done to prepare for Adam and Eve’s entry in both scenarios. Regarding Adam and Eve and Jesus and Mary: These souls have worked and lived together on more than one occasion. Their work in Jesus and Mary’s life was to reconcile themselves by improving Adam and Eve’s connection within themselves and by overcoming their separation from the Divine awareness, thereby bringing further reconciliation to those original positions with in us all that give us the potential to make the at-One connection.

This was accomplished to some degree (some would say it is humanity’s greatest step inward), and the work was aimed to open the connection potential in everyone. I am not saying Eve has not been further reconciled in this work to some degree or that Adam’s work is forever done. But when Jesus said, “it is finished” he was speaking to the reconciling of an aspect of Adam that he was living to accomplish as Jesus. Eve was right there with him, giving birth to him as a higher reason, watching him sacrifice his life as Jesus, for what was lost as Adam. She might not have known she was Eve, but the work was occurring. Opening Eve to the Source brings her to the Adam within herself. She went to that point by bringing Adam forth from herself when she gave birth to Jesus. She went to the Source and through her relationship with the Holy Spirit Jesus was born. He was the result of some form of Divine union between her and Heaven, so you can see Adam represents a point in between her and the Divine that had to be reconciled on Earth. So they worked to resolve that. Once that gets resolved, it becomes possible to connect through her/him to the Divine and to bring it into the moment. This is possible in our every moment, as long as we recognize her/him and she/he makes the connection to him/her. If he connects with out her, it won’t matter! His connection with out her has no value in matter. This is why she had to be there with him.

Every woman giving birth has a version of this story. She connects with the Holy Spirit and brings in a life from the Spiritual world. Every person living has this story as we are all a child of some form of the Divine connection between our natural mothers and heaven’s sending into life the soul that inhabits the body made by Man. And we are all an Adam/Eve giving birth to the many forms of matter that we produce in our lifetimes. We are all working with the creative force in some way. Eve is the higher state of that work in Matter, and if we want our lives to reflect the higher spiritual qualities, we need to reconcile the Eve point within. She is our highest form of matter, therefore she has to matter most. Adam is our highest form of source, therefore he has to be the source. This is why Christians have to deify Jesus.

I have spoke on this subject for countless hours and people have a hard time understanding because they have not reconciled this yet. With Adam, we get the inner connection facing inward and it can potentially run inwardly to the highest presentation of matter in source. That highest source point in humanity is called ADAM. With Eve, we get the inner connection facing outward and it can run inwardly to the highest presentations of source in matter. That highest matter point in humanity is called Eve. Together they form the male/female connection to the divine in the highest state of humanity. To go beyond is to go beyond human, and we have to reconcile with these two points to do that. The way to do that is called Christ.

You can make the connection as a Buddhist, a Zen Meditator, a Muslim, a Jew, an Artist, a Musician, and any number of forms. But the Way to connect to the Oneness in any form is the one referred to as Christ. It doesn’t matter what you call it, that’s just matter. It doesn’t matter what source, it’s all One any way. The Way is the Way. It can be in French, English, Pushups, or 21 day fasts. It can be stretching in Yoga, chanting in Istanbul, climbing Mt Everest, or laughing until you cannot breathe. It can be when you are dying, or when you are crying. But when it happens, the Way that brings the Oneness is what is called Christ and it happens when you dwell in the center of your heart. However you get there, the Way of being when you are there is called Christ.

Jesus got there and opened that Way for others by not only reconciling himself as Jesus, but by reconciling himself as Adam. That is why he was able to die for everyone else’s separation. He was at the point in himself where the Model called Adam fell away and he reclaimed that point of Christ on behalf of the entire race.

Now there is a question about how he could do that and Eve not be reconciled. She has been reconciling all along. The point Jesus conducted as Christ has the point open on the Inside of the Heart. Eve holds the key to doing that on the Outside. They are working still. As so is Buddha and everyone else. It’s a major project.

When we FURTHER reconcile Eve, we begin to recognize the Divine in all things and moments, not just when we die and go to Heaven. This is supposed to work in every moment and in any form of matter. It was presented that way. But it was only reconciled so far into matter and most people came to believe according to their positions in matter. And their positions were lacking in a true awareness as they set about practicing what they were living some distance away from in their hearts. Consequently, certain matters have tended to keep people from realizing.

This is why the Buddhist practice non-attachment. They know they must let go off their matter oriented dispositions if they are going to make the at One realization. Yogis know this and practice stretching so Matter’s limitations no longer restrict them.

But all too often, the best practices and teachings are still dwelling away from the heart’s center and dedicated practitioners and teachers often fail to realize it.

Religions don’t own things like this. They offer teachings and practices. God owns these things and sends help to explain them to us, and sends help to work in our areas of greatest need.

Now, Adam and Eve may be reconciled within themselves, but until everyone else is, those points remain unreconciled in everyone else. To make the connection between them we must reconcile them in our selves. It is basic physics. To become one with the spark, we must reconcile the two sides of the arc. We have the match head side and the flint. How will you ever dwell in between them if you cannot come to terms with them? No flint…no spark. No spark. You want to be the Light?

The same is true in the Yin Yang concept of going to the most fundamental connection and resolving beyond the duality of this life form into Light. But you cannot do this if you cannot come to the point where the dualities meet in the moment. And you cannot do this if you cannot reconcile the natures of what these dualities represent in the moment. Plus there are unlimited potential moments, so to do this beyond a theoretical understanding, you must identify these points within your self in a way that allows you to have access to the ONE Line of Reason…so you can stay lit after the initial strike, when the yin yang surrounding the flame has taken on a different form.

If you cannot see this ONE Line of Reason right now as you are reading this, then you are not reconciled to the resolution of Adam and Eve, or Yin and Yang. If you can see that One Line of Reason, you will certainly see how this is expressing the underlying Oneness of the Truth. When you dwell at the resolution of Oneness, you have to see the Oneness. And you will see it acting as two, but being one. When you do not see it, it is either because of a problem with Source, with Matter, or with Both. Since people usually complain of something the matter, I think it’s usually a matter problem. But it can be with either or both, and also to variable degrees. And it can also be at differing resolutions with the variables compounding it, and your actual way of being in that position can have you facing different ways as well.

Our sense of Being and Knowing are the result of this relationship and to become more at one within, we have to reconcile and balance our sense of separation. It must become balanced in the oneness of the point that lies in the MIDST of the two. This is the meaning of the Midst in the Garden of Eden where the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge are located. The Tree of Knowledge separated them from the Tree of Life- only because they gave their sense of center to it, moving further away from the original spark.

That tree was one step out from the more inward midst. It was one step further out into matter. It was Eve that ate first because she was living at that one step into matter. Then Adam ate as matter’s affects moved inward. Then the Heavenly Being said, whoa! Block that inward moving matter from affecting the Tree of Life or it will leak out of this isolated form into the Open Eternal Realm. And then they were banned until they can reconcile. It is like God, or the Lord, was protecting Heaven from a backfire.

I can continue to explain this, but we really should look to see its reality in the moment. Is your knowing one that takes you further into what matters and also further into the divine? Does it only go one way? Or both? To what extent? Here we sit in this very moment, me writing and you reading. Do you know me for my connection to the Divine and for the matters I am presenting? These things are hidden from our view by our own tree of knowledge. But there is also a tree of life that is more central to the source of our lives than the knowledge we have accumulated in this lifetime. When we reconcile the points within that stand for our separateness and our truer connection, we are able to recognize the divine shining through the moment and we are able to recognize what matters most.

Everyone of us has had experiences when we did. And then what happened? We fell away from that Knowing into our lesser versions of knowing.

Here is a question. Is the source of our being more important than the matter of our being? If the answer is yes, then it doesn’t matter.

Each one of us is representing both aspects in our own unique ways. Even in Heaven, beings matter in differing ways. That is the beauty of creation, creativity and evolvement. Can we not afford to give Buddha his way and Jesus his? Can we not afford to give Eve hers? Can we not begin to recognize the values in our differences as we become more aware of our oneness?

So is Adam, or the highest state of humanity’s male principle, more vital than Eve, humanity’s highest state of the female principle. They represent equal measures of the dividing of the one into two. And any division of the one into the two produces a side that is closer to source and a side that is further. But a division of one into two also produces two equal amounts. And these can also be positive and negative to each other and within each other.

Let’s see how this is true. Take a mathematics example. I will divide one by two. Pretty fundamental like Adam and Eve, Yin and Yang. One divided by 2 becomes two 1/2s or two 0.5s. Now are they equal? Yes in measure. We can even picture them coming into form above and below the line of Oneness creating the positive above the line and negative below. However, let’s consider them as two equal individuals that when equally added together, make One. Each stands alone as a half of One and each also has a relationship to everything else to some degree. Now tell me which side of these two units is closer to the One they came from?

The side of either half that can become 0.4 is closer to One than the side of the half that can become 0.6. The side of the number, or value, that faces One is Adam and the side that faces more separation from One is Eve. Choosing any number or any number of numbers can also show this understanding. All numbers have come from the Oneness. They all come into being to represent some aspect of the Oneness in its many and varied forms and combinations. But each number has a potential to become one again and each has a potential to matter in some way other than One.

This is Adam and Eve and when this model of humanity was created, these principles of being became Humanity’s Principal Beings. This is why the Yin Yang is expressive of the basic principles of being. This is a fundamental to Understanding Oneness and duality. In the yin yang, we have the principle of being. In Adam and Eve, we have the principal beings in the principles of being. It becomes personal and helps define the highest principal positions within us.

One aspect is about being one, the other aspect is about being the other. The One brings the other into the moment, the other brings the One into the moment. Together they create an expression of the One in something or the One in the Other. To reconcile these is to be at-one with them both and this gives the meaning in the moment of Everything. This Way of Being is Understanding of Matter and its Relationship to Source. When you reconcile this, you are Understanding. This is what stands-under the duality. The One is still in both Halves. We can see one half and we can see another one half. Each is a one/something. One side of the half is facing a more Sourceful version of One. The other side of the half is facing a less Sourceful version of One. Even a 2/3 is just one example of a 2/3.

So, you should be able to see that they, the male and female, the positive and negative, the Adam and the Eve, the yin and the yang are both vitally expressing the One but in differing ways. The One is always present in Everything but the individual expresses the One in some fractionated way. When we get lost in our matters, we live fractionated. When we lose ourselves to source, we leave this form of matter. When we connect to source in matter and matter in source, in a way that reconciles those principled positions, we live in the Oneness of the Center of our Hearts. And this marks a coming into being in the dwelling place where spirit and matter meet. This is where we can truly center on what spiritually matters.

Eve looks at us in Matter. Adam looks at us in Source. Its one being as two. The two must be reconciled. They are you and you are them. They are also two aspects of you and we are each an aspect of them. The Eve in you is responsible for where matter connects to source. The Adam in you is responsible for where source connects to matter. The divine connection is between them, the same points as the center of a beating heart. It’s one heart. But the blood flows in and out. To become One, we must center in the heart. Then to become ONE, we must center in the HEART. And the two points of being closest to that ONE HEART are known as Adam and Eve. They are in everyone and they reside as the first step away from ONEness of this model in the Human Race.

I will give yet another example or two to see how we as individuals need further reconciliation with these points in order to be One in the moment. The reader of a story, or the reader of this text will be our first new example. The text here represents an understanding of Truth that exists in the moment. Where the best of Truth is in this form of writing we will call it Adam. The reader is engaging the content of the text and where the reader engages it best we will call Eve. If the reader cannot reconcile Adam and Eve, their best engagement in what is written here will not line up in the moment with the best truth. But if they do reconcile Adam and Eve, they have moments during their reading when they become One and experience the ah-ha sensation. If they are very reconciled, they can read these writings and have that experience in every sentence. But even if the higher truths are present, if they cannot reconcile Eve, they will remain separate from those truths by the distance of their understanding.

Example two, a piece of music has been written by a musical genius who has brought into form a true sense of the divine in music. The music has been written down. One musician plays the piece where every note and nuance is reconciled to the expression of the divine truth within. The musician and audience can sense the Oneness as the musician plays the perfected work. Another musician struggles with the notes and timing and misses the inner point. The continuity becomes broken and the separation is evident. Just because the pathway has been opened by the genius composer to experience the divine oneness represented in the composition, it does not assure that experience will be realized.

We can see the Divinity of Jesus Christ, opening the pathway to Oneness within. For us to experience this, we have to reconcile to our Adam and Eve points. This is what he did! The references to Jesus as the Son of God are to Adam, the only begotten in this model. The rest of the race came through the model. He was the model and that is why he is said to be the model. The Heavenly world is really working on the model you and I are inhabiting. I think that is good. And Jesus is certainly not the only one doing that important work. But his contributions are part of every one of us. As are Mary’s, Buddha’s, Socrates, Beethoven, Rumi, Ghandi, and you.

The larger work, like the lives of Jesus and Mary and other souls working in harmony with the spiritual cause, is work that addresses the overall needs in particular times and cultures for particular reasons that will give the greatest improvements over time. It is work aimed at the HEART of humanity. When we look at our world and its focus, can we see how these beings and souls working with this over time would want to focus their efforts on particular areas of the human being? Every religion and secular pursuit in our history that has focused on unifying our connection to the Divine has been the result of this effort. And consider this current Human Being as a particular model in the Human Race with a design, a frame, a history and evolvement record. It’s an ongoing work and the way of the work that leads to that Oneness is called by some Christ, Krishna, Tao, Light, and other names. But the work itself targets each of the grand efforts into a specific area of concern. The Beings doing this spiritual work and the founders of the various faiths know one another and support each other in their particular and over all efforts. The conflicts in the faiths come from practitioners who lack the oneness to understand certain aspects of those beings and their teachings.

We are All working to reconcile certain things and aspects of the Human.

I am certainly not saying that Eve did not further reconcile her position through her life with Jesus. She clearly did and is called the Holy Mother by many. She is an aspect of everything he does. And he is an aspect of everything she does. And she is an aspect of everything we do, and we are an aspect of her. These souls have been reconciling to everything since they began their work together. They have both offered their lives and talents in service to the human and heavenly cause. And their efforts have made that opening to the Christ path possible. Their efforts as individuals as well as every other individual form our collective human effort.

Jesus’ life is one step in that overall process. But so is Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu, Moses, and countless others.

The Christ work itself is a way of being. It doesn’t stop with Jesus. It will not stop with Eve. It will continue until the pathway is accessibly open for the Christ Way of Being’s reason for being, and then its work will be resolved to another resolution. There is work to be done with you, with me, with our relationships and with our inner points of understanding. There is work to be done in the spiritual world of all types and degrees. It’s a work in progress and that work is underway within us all.

Scott Walter, Sensei
August 9, 2009

Reconciling our Separation from the Oneness
Monday Meditation Class of Great River Institute, 08 August 2009.
© 2009 by Great River Institute

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Mark Walter
A Monastery for Everyday Life & Leisure

Construction worker and philosopher: “When I forget my ways, I am in The Way”