A New Approach to the New Year

Maelyn Adornetto
Be Awesome.
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017

New year is full of promise, a way to start fresh, and it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement. January 1st is more than just a day, it’s a new beginning for us to change, grow, improve. But New Year’s resolutions are an overrated tradition. Research shows that they almost never work. On December 31st we feel good about making proclamations for the next 365 days, but after the first few months, it becomes nearly impossible to uphold these resolutions.

January 1st 2018 is fast approaching and it’s time for you to make a decision: make resolutions you can’t keep or take this chance to try a new approach to the new year. Instead of proclaiming a resolution for 2018, try setting short term goals and introduce new habits to achieve these goals.

Start with three: daily, weekly, monthly.

Maybe you’d like to become a more mindful person. Use smaller habits to break down your steps toward mindfulness: Meditate at least five minutes daily. Attend one or two yoga classes weekly. Journal your progress monthly. Here are a good set of daily, weekly, monthly habits that you can use to achieve the most common goals people set.

Daily habits:

  1. Organize your day before it begins, and stick to your schedule
  2. Make your bed first thing in the morning
  3. Drink water
  4. Eat well
  5. Be on time

Weekly habits:

  1. Work out
  2. Plan/prepare meals ahead of time
  3. Do something nice for someone else
  4. Listen to a new podcast (check out Buzzfeed’s 22 new podcasts to try https://www.buzzfeed.com/terripous/pod-people?utm_term=.cwddP1ow24#.glDMkr9v2e )
  5. De-clutter one item or space

Monthly habits:

  1. Read a new book
  2. Take a day just for yourself, whatever that means to you
  3. Pay your bills on time
  4. Try something (anything) new
  5. Get your inbox down to zero
Search or go to WeDo.com to download the app

By changing your approach to the new year from a resolution to goals, they immediately become more attainable. Use the new year to reset, but be realistic: January 1st doesn’t have the power to drastically change anything. January 1st is just a day, drastic change doesn’t happen overnight. By setting goals and adjusting your daily, weekly, and monthly habits to achieve them, your chance of success is much, much higher. So ditch your resolution and change your mindset for great 2018.

Happy New Year from WeDo! We’re working hard to help you achieve your most stress free year yet.

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