Positive habits for a healthy lifestyle

Be Awesome.
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2017


9 little changes you can make for a drastic improvement in your daily life

1. Make your bed when you wake up: One accomplished task first thing in the morning starts your day on a productive note.

2. Two minute rule: If something can be done in two minutes or less, do it immediately. Putting off simple tasks lets them accumulate into a long and unapproachable to-do list. Stay proactive and do things as you remember them.

3. Smile at strangers: You could make someone’s day. Spread the love.

4. Keep your room tidy: A clean room helps you feel more put-together, less stressed, and it actually helps you sleep better.

5. Meditate: A great way to practice mindfulness and gratitude.

6. Five minute rule: If it’s not going to matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes worrying about it.

7. Drink water instead of soda or juice: It’s cheaper and better for you.

8. Keep track of what you eat: Instead of counting calories or going on a crash diet, try a little change that’s much more sustainable. Becoming more aware of the foods you intake will make you more mindful to healthy choices.

9. Establish a sleeping pattern and stick to it: Whether you’re a 5 hour-a-night sleeper or an 8 hour-a-night sleeper, stay consistent and your body will get on board.

