Use time estimating to get more done

How to overcome the Planning Fallacy

Be Awesome.


WeDo’s goal is simple: help people actually get more done. We are not just another place to dump things you need to get done or a product that brings you anxiety when you open it. Our users are hooked with our ease of use and how we genuinely help them get more done.

We are super excited to announce our next step in helping you get more done.

Time Estimating

Most of us are not good at estimating long projects (this is called the Planning Fallacy). But when we can break them up into smaller individual tasks and sub tasks, it’s easier and more accurate to estimate and accomplish our tasks. This is called the Segmentation Effect, which is one of the easiest ways to counteract the Planning Fallacy.

We took a hard look at how to offer the Segmentation Effect within our product. As a result, we decided to add time estimating. This feature allows you to estimate how long all the tasks in your list will take so you can plan and sort accordingly. It’s simple, but it makes a powerful change in how you look at your day, week, month.

The magic of time estimating, version one, is that it lets you look at tasks not as simply words on a list, but as things that take resources and time out of your day. We are always working to help our users think about how they can accomplish their goals and this is another huge leap to helping them do just that.

When you mark off a task with a time estimate, you will be reminded of how long a task you said should have taken and how long it actually did for future reference. This is great for work, chores, projects, and of course classwork.

Over time WeDo will continually improve how you can use estimating to help you plan your life better and better. This is an exciting first step in using estimating to be more productive.

Time Estimating is included in WeDo Pro on our iOS and Mac App. You can check out WeDo Pro for free for up to 3 months by spreading the word about WeDo.

If there’s anything we can build into WeDo to help you please let us know your ideas on our forum here. You can also email us anytime at We love to hear from our users!

If you haven’t checked it out, give WeDo a try today!

Here’s to a productive day!
- WeDo Family

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