5 negative behaviors that are holding you back in your career without you realizing it

John Boitnott
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2016


Flickr/Jeremy Keith

Everyone wants to move up the career ladder, taking on larger roles, getting more advanced titles, and definitely making that larger paycheck.

However, your attitude might be the very reason that’s not happening. While you may think you are working hard and doing what is expected, you may not realize that you are exhibiting behaviors that are serving as barriers to your advancement.

I’ve seen these five negative behaviors firsthand and know that they definitely impact decisions on when to advance people within organizations:

1. Entitlement

You might think entitlement isn’t that big a deal. It’s just a person being a bit too confident in what they deserve for the effort they’ve put in, right? However, it’s actually one of the worst possible qualities you can exhibit.

Research shows entitlement is linked with “negative workplace behaviors.” An entitled attitude is a huge reason why so many employees and entrepreneurs struggle to advance in their careers. No one owes you anything, especially an employer. If anything, an employee owes it to their employer to deliver talent, skills, and knowledge to achieve the organization’s objectives.

