How to live a healthier lifestyle: 10 easy changes you can make

John Boitnott
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2017


Our hectic, fast-paced lifestyles don’t always lend themselves to making healthy decisions. Studies show that Americans work more than anyone else in the world and that we take less vacation time, work longer days, and retire later. How can we reconstruct our schedules and habits in order to find something more sustainable? The answer lies in small, simple changes that can let you build a new lifestyle that works long term. Here are some changes that you can start to make right now.

Drink more water

Dehydration, even slight dehydration, can have surprisingly awful results — bad breath, muscle cramps, and sugar cravings to name a few. To make sure you are staying hydrated, always keep a filled water bottle at your desk.

Go to bed an hour earlier

It’s only an hour, right? But that hour is yours! On the other hand, considering how much impact adding an hour of sleep can have on one’s overall health, it’s so worth it! Beyond decreasing one’s risk of heart disease and inflammation, it also can give you a competitive edge, meaning that extra hour of sleep has the potential to do more for you than whatever else you might have spent that hour doing.

Wake up a half hour earlier and meditate

