Duelist King Lore Book Chapter 6 (Lothlorien)

Jack Boreham
Duelist King
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2022

This lore book series has outlined the origins of the Duelist King continent Duelaria, and its realms, from the fiery pits of Darvasa to the high heaven of Genesis, the world of Duelist King is diverse in story and adventure. Lothlorien is another Duelarian realm rich in both nature and backstory.

Lothlorien is the home of elves and their sacred kingdom. Nested in the ancient jungles of Duelaria, it is ruled by the elf king Leore and the council of elders.

At the center of the kingdom is the mother tree, a mystical entity that protects the domain from the night’s demons and collects the continent’s wandering souls via its elf alter.

Leore protects his realm alongside some of his strongest mercenaries and commanders:

Extract in Lothlorien ME1:6, A Life Lesson:

“Leore, the elf king, looked out into the lush green eaves of Lothlorien.

He watched as dark elves flung themselves at his village, trying to penetrate his burg.

“Deceitful foul creatures, they make me sick” admiral Metsavana, Leore’s key commander, looked disgusted as she walked up beside the king, clearing her maw as she made the statement.

Pausing for a moment, Leore turned to Metsavana, placing his hands on her shoulders.

Remember Metsavana? The dark elves were once one of us — warriors of this land fallen from grace due to the wickedness of the darkness.

They embody evil of no fault of their own. We shouldn’t be in disgust. Rather we should be sympathetic.

Leore continued, “darkness is coming, Metsavana. Soon we will have to fight these fallen brothers and sisters.”

“True courage comes from the ability to forgive, not to take. I hope you remember that”

Leore left the balcony, grabbing his bow that was perched by the doorway. Metsavana stood silent, watching the dark elves as they relentlessly tried to break into the embattled town.

A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered the lost elves, knowing that soon everything would change.”

The kingdom of Lothlorien is full of mystery and treasure, and thus it is constantly being attacked by creatures shrouded in darkness. One particular account tells the story of how Horus Rage laid siege to the kingdoms of Lothlorien:

Extract in Lothlorien HR 9:13, The Storm:

“In a panic, Taeral Luris, one of King Leores key lieutenants, rushed to the gates of the elf townlet to look out into the dark night of Lotheriean.

“EVERYONE INTO YOUR HOMES,” he shouted as he approached the gate. Elf villagers began to scurry into their dwellings, leaving what they were doing behind them.

Taeral peered through the large steel gates that safeguarded the village.

Hearing a thunderclap from about a mile away, he cried, “IT’S COMING.” “RUN” “FIND COVER. “

With haste, Taeral hurried into a nearby cabin to find shelter.

Knowing that this was no ordinary tempest, he prepared for the worst.

Finding refuge, Taeral started mumbling to himself, “but how is it possible, King Leore told me of the Horus Rage, but it is legend, not reality” “by god, what is happening to this wor…”

Before he could finish his thoughts, he heard a cry outside.

Taeral peered out the cabin’s small glass window, noticing a small elf girl standing in the center of the village.

“Papa, Mama, WHERE ARE YOU” The child hollered.

Understanding that the juvenile was in mortal danger, Taeral ran out of his shelter, picking up the small girl on his shoulder.

Knowing Horus Rage was looming, Taeral rushed back inside with the child.

As Horus Rage pummeled the townlet with devastating lightning, he began to brace himself. He watched with the child as the storm began to tear through the village.

The girl started to cry; as blue lightning illuminated her face, Taeral consoled her as the ill storm made its way towards them.”

But sometimes they succeed! Another account tells the story of soldiers who came across the Amrita potion, a powerful concoction that turns man against man:

Extract in Lothlorien AP 7:5 The Greediness of Men:

“In a little house in the Seven Kingdoms, a young mother began to tuck her child into bed, ready for shuteye.

“Mommy can you read me a bedtime story” The child cried.

Okay, Zavier, but it’s the last one this evening. The mother reached into the lower draw beside the juvenile’s bed, pulling out a large aged, dust-covered book.

She wiped the book’s exterior clean with the palm of her hand, opening it.

She began to read, “ A long time ago, there was a wretched plague that ravaged the Seven Kingdoms.”

“The mighty king commissioned the help of two lowly citizens to find eternal life from Lothlorien.

“They combed the forests looking for interminable life but found none.”

“However, one day, they came across a treasure of great beauty.”

The youngster sat up suddenly in his bed, transfixed by the story. “Mum tell me more,” the child cried.

“However, this treasure was not any ordinary jewel but the Amrita potion, an object that possessed the gift of life.” She said, acknowledging her child’s plea.

Excitedly the child butted in, “The gift of life, woww.”

“Settle down, Zavier.” The mother said impatiently in retort.

She continued, “They voyaged back home with the Amrita potion, but it began to twist them.”

“The potion, due to its immense life-giving powers, contorted the minds of the men, leading to greed, manipulation, and death.

“The Men killed one another for guardianship of the Amrita Potion.”

“Legend has it that the potion is still out there waiting to be claimed.”

“For those who possess the elixir will be granted eternal life.”

Now hiding out of fright, the child’s head popped up from the bed covers. exclaiming, “But Mum, is it true?”

“No, she replied, it’s just fantasy. Don’t be frivolous”.

She left the room quietly as Zavier fell to sleep, knowing full well that the narrative was real, for that was her grandfather who was trusted with finding the potion.”

