Mueller’s Team Chases Egyptian Leads

But Finds Only Sand and Secrets

2 min readAug 3, 2024


Washington, DC — Back in the hot summer of 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller was gearing up for the investigation of potential foreign influence over Donald John Trump and his colourful campaign.

A tempting thread led them to the land of Egypt and far away from the Russia.

The CIA had discovered information indicating that Egypt’s top leaders including President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi had approved a (probably PayPal) bill to donate $10 million to Trump’s campaign in the last stage of the 2016 elections.

And who did they suspect of being the middle monkey in this desert drama?

Walid Phares, a Trump campaign adviser.

Mueller’s team discovered that around the same time, Trump had lent his campaign a similar amount.

And lo and behold, after defeating Hillary Clinton, Trump surprisingly praised Egypt in a way that made his predecessors appear inexperienced in international diplomacy.

You think this is it? There is more!

As Mueller’s team dug deeper, they found themselves caught in a complex network of foreign business connections, withdrawals and numerous distractions that would cause even experienced investigators to feel embarrassed.

They issued a subpoena for Trump’s financial records, hoping to discover proof of funds from Egypt.

But those documents proved to be as pointless as a camel in a sandstorm. Certain investigators were eager to continue probing but Mueller put a stop to investigating Trump’s finances since he became president.

what a tease!

You are wondering about Walid Phares?

OFC, Mueller’s team definitely kept a close eye on him.

It was found out that he had pledged to assist in arranging discussions between the Egyptian government and the campaign, he even claimed the responsibility for a meeting between Trump and el-Sisi in 2016.

The FBI called Phares for a date night so many times that he even lost the count.

But did he laid his hand? No he lawyered up and clammed up tighter than a pharaoh’s tomb.

As Mueller completed his Russia investigation in 2019, he handed off the Egyptian case to Justice Department prosecutors, who likely felt overwhelmed by the mountain of paperwork.

The storyline became more complex like a hearty Nile River stew.

Around the same time, investigators received information that a group connected to Egyptian intelligence took out $10 million in cash from a bank in Cairo, which mirrored the amount reportedly donated to Trump.

Is it a coincidence? Maybe so, but it definitely made their hearts beat quicker than a camel race!

Despite their best efforts, the prosecutors reached a point where they could not progress any further. (they must be out of ink and paper)

In the 2020 summer, they closed the case by leaving more questions than answers. Talk about ratio!

Did Trump really have a hidden financial link with Egypt?

Or just an illusion in the desert?

Doctor Strange knows for sure and he’s not telling.




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