How to Make a Strong Network?

Mayank Kumar
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2019

“Networking is the key to a Successful career”.

This statement is valid for most of us. You might have stunning skills and higher education, but without connections, it is extremely hard for you to get a job and to build a business.

In a recent study done by Right Management, trends in the last five years show that person-to-person networking is the most effective way of finding a new job. is a platform that creates elevator pitches for people to introduce themselves. I share my duit Ecard with others, which effectively gives them all my coordinates.

Many people in my network are introvert. They have trouble networking because their shyness gets into the way. Or they feel like they may come off as selfish, instead of being helpful. Here are seven tips that will help you to build a strong network, even if you do not have many connections in your network.

1. Focus on the Right People

The secret to networking isn’t to attend networking events and to distribute as many business cards as you can.

Meeting many people in the hope that something will work out is not very effective. Instead, concentrate on people who are relevant to your profession, have experience and can make a difference in your career. Build relationships and keep it warm by reconnecting often. In-Person or on call.

2. Create Win/Win Situations

It’s extremely important that both parties gain equally when networking.

If you benefit more than the other person, (s)he will feel cheated and used. When that happens, you won’t be able to go back and built a long-term relationship.

Don’t be a “salesman”. Be a listener.

Listening leads to a more meaningful conversation than just talking. Find ways in which you can help the other person.

For example, if the other person is working on a Saas product, you can offer them a potential lead. Or a meaningful referral or a connection with a potential investor. “Give more than you receive.” This approach will create a positive aura for you.

3. Give Before You Receive

In networking situations, people expect you to ask them for help. If you turn that around and just offer some support, your networking partner will be grateful and want to return the favor.

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4. Become a Connector

It’s not necessary to earn something in every networking relationship.

If you can introduce people who can benefit from one another, it’s just as effective.

You can build a stronger rapport with multiple people and it makes you very good.

5. Remember to Reconnect

“Hello, I am Peter. We met last summer in 2017. Do you remember me?

We’ve all had people who try to contact us after some or many years. What usually happens then? We typically don’t want to go out of our way for them because they haven’t put any effort into sustaining the relationship.

After choosing the right people to network with, remember to stay in contact with them.

6. Use social networks

Social platforms make it easier to build a good network, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter is tools that you can use to connect in a personal way to different people in your industry.

For example on LinkedIn, you can get introduced to new contacts through your current connections.

You can also use LinkedIn as a professional database to find people who work in your professional at various companies you’re interested in.

7. Start your own networking group

One of the best strategies to meet like-minded people is to establish your own networking group.

You can make use of several platforms like or to create a series of events under a certain topic such as marketing, finance or accounting.

By being the leader of the group, you will immediately become more connected and sought-out.

People will want to meet you because you’re the creator.

Download Duit app and Start using electronic business cards. Be a part of a greater network, build your own connections using digitized paper cards.



Mayank Kumar
Editor for

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