Why We Started Dundas Life

Martin Ochwat
Dundas Life
Published in
Jul 30, 2020

Our founding team started Dundas Life in 2020 with the goal of making life insurance easy, the right fit, and affordable. Our own paper ridden, inconsistent service experiences within the insurance industry pushed us to create Dundas Life. The industry is riddled with horror stories including advisors positioning the wrong product or looking after their own needs over client needs. We decided to change that.

At Dundas Life, we provide the right coverage that’s tailored to your specific needs. With no high-pressure sales tactics, we take time to ensure you have the right coverage. With your average insurance advisor being sixty years old in North America, Dundas Life is decades younger and will be here through all of life’s events. In the case of an insurance claim, we provide a high touch, personal service at a very sensitive time in a person’s life.

Most Canadians don’t have the right life insurance coverage for their families. Dundas Life is the solution.

Learn more at Dundas Life.



Martin Ochwat
Dundas Life

Growth Marketer, Strategist & Entrepreneur. Built 7-figure eComm stores. Blog: martinochwat.com. Latest project: www.bewellow.com. Advisor: www.dundaslife.com