The new ColumnTransformer will change workflows from Pandas to Scikit-Learn

From Pandas to Scikit-Learn — A new exciting workflow

Ted Petrou
Dunder Data


Scikit-Learn’s new integration with Pandas

Scikit-Learn will make one of its biggest upgrades in recent years with its mammoth version 0.20 release. For many data scientists, a typical workflow consists of using Pandas to do exploratory data analysis before moving to scikit-learn for machine learning. This new release will make the process simpler, more feature-rich, robust, and standardized.

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Summary and goals of this article

  • This article is aimed at those that use Scikit-Learn as their machine learning library but depend on Pandas as their data exploratory and preparation tool.
  • It assumes you have some familiarity with both Scikit-Learn and Pandas
  • We explore the new ColumnTransformer estimator, which allows us to apply separate transformations to different subsets of your data in parallel before concatenating the results together.
  • A major pain point for users (and in my opinion the worst part of Scikit-Learn) was preparing a pandas DataFrame with string…



Ted Petrou
Dunder Data

Author of Master Data Analysis with Python and Founder of Dunder Data