Dunder Data Challenge #1— Optimize Custom Grouping Function

Ted Petrou
Dunder Data
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2019


This is the first of a series of Dunder Data Challenges designed to help you improve your python, data science, and machine learning skills.

Become an Expert

If you want to be trusted to make decisions using pandas, you must become an expert. I have completely mastered pandas and have developed courses and exercises that will massively improve your knowledge and efficiency to do data analysis.

Optimize Custom Grouping Function

In this challenge, your goal is to find the fastest solution while only using the Pandas library.

The Challenge

The college_pop dataset contains the name, state, and population of all higher-ed institutions in the US and its territories. For each state, find the percentage of the total state population made up by the 5 largest colleges of…



Ted Petrou
Dunder Data

Author of Master Data Analysis with Python and Founder of Dunder Data