Blog Week 1

Jalen Pauley
Pres. Campaign 2020
3 min readAug 23, 2020

On Monday, August 17th, the 2020 Democratic Convention started and a message of unity and competence was spread throughout the night. Many Democrats took the podium that night including former First Lady Michelle Obama, who had a very strong passion towards getting current presidential candidate Joe Biden into office, “If we have any hope of ending this chaos, we have got to vote for Joe Biden like our lives depend on it.” Below is the full video of Michelle Obama's speech.

I think this quote by former first lady Michelle is one of the standouts quotes of the night because it’s how I feel. I have never been one to be into politics but as I get older and understand how much of an impact the next U.S President can have on my life I now understand the importance of elections and voting. As I continue to learn more about Joe Bidden and his running mate Kamala Harris, I’m beginning to develop my own political beliefs and figuring out who I like as a politician. Growing up, most kids take whatever political belief that their family believes in but it’s important to educate yourself and be able to choose your own side. Bernie Sanders also spoke the first night and let his feelings about trump be known insinuating that if Trump is reelected then the democratic party is in trouble. “ All the progress we have made will be in jeopardy,” Sanders said. Sanders wasn’t the only one who publicly criticized President Trump.

On the second night of the convention, former President Barack Obama spoke and directly highlighted how president Trump has failed this nation as a leader and cannot be allowed back in office. Obama excoriated Trump as “having no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.” I believe this type of criticism coming from our former president is needed right now. Barack Obama is a very respected and listened to individual. Even if his message and criticism on Trump’s leadership can change the mind of one person then I think that makes all the difference. I don’t want Trump to get re-elected again, I think he has caused more than enough problems in this nation that we can recover from.

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton 2020

It seemed this year the Democratic Party wanted to push the image of women empowering and giving them a strong leading role in this convention. Out of the many women that spoke, current vice president candidate Kamala Harris and former politician Gabby Giffords. Harris took the podium to speak for all the female leaders out there who are continuing to fight for their rights and the rights of those around them. She preached about how this election wasn’t about her or Biden, but it was about us and protecting our future. “ It’s about you.’ Harris said, “ People of all ages and colors and creeds who are, yes, taking to the streets, and also persuading our family members, rallying our friends, organizing our neighbors to get out and vote to save our future. “ I personally don’t agree with everything Harris says but her explaining that this next election is about us and that it will have a huge impact on our lives come voting time. If we don’t get Trump out of office then our lives, especially those of minorities will be grave danger. Finally, out of all the speakers of the convention, Gabby Giffords had the most heart aching speech about her struggles with getting shot in the head and still living to fight another day. Giffords gave a powerful speech that offered examples of resilience. A speech that should have been heard by everyone around the world. No matter what your political views are. Watch Giffords speech below.

