The Moment.

Jalen Pauley
Pres. Campaign 2020
2 min readSep 20, 2020

This week the presidential campaign was struct by tragedy with the untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The death of Ginsburg adds new weight to the election now with the potential that Trump or his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, could pick a successor who could decide abortion access, environmental regulations, and the power of the presidency for a generation. This type of new information is crucial seeing that early voting is underway in five states and the electoral vote is only a little under 6 weeks away. Both parties came together on Friday night to honor the late Ginsburg and everything she stood for in terms of women’s rights but it seemed both parties wanted to use the opportunity to capitalize off and push their own narrative.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Things like this make me realize how no one politics truly cares about other peoples well being. I understand regardless you have a campaign to run and you must capitalize on every chance you get, but I think when someone loses their life we should respect them and keep our political intentions put up. Why was there even a gathering or rally held in the first place? Was there no other way to honor her?

In other campaign news, according to CNN, Trump is currently trailing in the electoral college vote. The battle for 270 electoral votes is largely playing out across 14 states and two congressional districts. These are made up of true toss-up battleground states combined with states slightly leaning in one party’s direction or the other. I personally believe Trump is losing largely due to the fact of how he is handling the coronavirus and the pandemic these last few months. People who supported him, have now seen the animal he truly is and some are deciding to change their vote. The only question is, will it be enough?

CNN Electoral College

