Dune Mainnet Upgrade to Protocol Version 6.5

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

Scheduled for block 757,760 around February 21, 2021!

We are pleased to announce that, in preparation for the swap with Free TON, the protocol version 6.5 of Dune Network will land on Mainnet at block level 757,760, around February 21, 2021. This is expected to be the last upgrade of the network.

All nodes must have been upgraded to the commit bd5f81a downloaded from the mainnet branch of Gitlab no earlier than February 9, 2021. The git tag protocol-6.5.0 has been created to mark the revision commit, i.e. general revision 6 of protocol 5 with no fix.

Nodes that have not been updated by this time will automatically stop validating blocks afterwards. In such a case, after upgrading their nodes, admins should use:

dune-admin-client unmark all invalid blocks

to restart validating blocks.

Upgrade instructions are quite similar to those explaining how to upgrade to protocol version 5.4. If you didn’t upgrade in time and your node is far from current head (days or weeks), or if you have some issues with your node synchronization, you may want to consider importing a fresh snapshot to speed-up the process.

Planned Schedule for Swap

We envision the following schedule for the swap:

As early as possible:

  • Bakers should upgrade as early as possible to the new upgraded node
  • Bakers should set their maxrolls to 0. This change will prevent them from baking in 7 cycles, but allow them to swap all their tokens in 7 cycles without keeping anything as deposit. Rewards will be set to 0 on March 1, 2021, so there will be no incentive to continue baking anyway (only Foundation bakers will continue). This can be done with the command dune-client dune set maxrolls 0 of my-baker with admin my-baker (see this article for details on this operation).

Immediately after the upgrade:

  • Burn of inactive accounts will be restarted, at an increased rate (50% every 2 cycles). Burnt tokens will be distributed to active accounts. Bakers and ambassadors will receive a one-time fixed bonus for their involvement in the project as already discussed with them.
  • Vested accounts will be unvested.

On March 1, 2021:

  • Rewards will be set to 0. Only rewards for the previous cycles will be received in the next cycles.
  • Two Foundation bakers will be defined as the only allowed bakers, with no deposit. They will be able to bake during the whole swap period.

A contest on the Free TON network will be used to launch the development of the swapping infrastructure. We expect the swap itself to last for about 3 months, but most accounts will probably swap in the first weeks.

Stay Duned!

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DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.