Introducing Dune Playground — Part 2: DGG Token and Moonshot Game

Dune Network
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2020


Explore Dune Playground website and discover our new Dune Moonshot game!

In the first part of “Introducing Dune Playground”, we set up the Dune Metal extension, got some free $DUN and played Rock-Paper-Scissors. Recall that we earned tokens, called DGG (for Dune Good Game), and I promised I would explain how these can be converted back into $DUN. Some of you actually figured out how to do it, as demonstrated by some transactions on DunScan.

The DGG token

Think of it as a Casino chip, except that we never ask you to spend it to be able to play our games: you will only receive it as a reward for playing. You can convert them to $DUN coins, or alternatively keep them as proof of your gaming skills.

The DunScan block explorer handles fungible tokens à la ERC-20 (written in Michelson or in Love languages) such as DGG. If you go search your address in DunScan after playing Rock Paper Scissors from the previous tutorial, you will notice a new tab called “Tokens”. Clicking on the “Tokens” tab, we get a summary of transactions involving the DGG token for your address:

Handily, the Dune Playground provides a special page for converting your DGG to $DUN if you wish, at the current rate of 20 DGG for 1 $DUN. For this, you need to send your DGG tokens to the address of the exchange contract, which will in return send back the corresponding amount of $DUN to your address.

As shown below, you can simply click on the exchange address at the bottom of the page, or copy it here: KT1HfsPEKiftJvexbFuTUPevW4o48JkC49aU. Input any whole amount of DGG between 1 and your current amount (in my case, 10), and then click “Send”:

Just like last time, after approving the transaction, you will see the hash of a transaction that has been injected by Metal.

The DGG transaction will appear in the “Tokens” section of your account on DunScan:

Then, you will receive your $DUN (in my case, .5 $DUN):

Now that you know how to cash out, let’s play a more exciting game than Rock Paper Scissors.

Play Dune Moonshot

You’re trying to send a rocket to the Moon, set at the realistic distance of 8 kilometers from the Earth. It may reach the moon, in which case you will make 34 DGG. Or it may blow up before. You can decide to jump off the rocket at any whole number of kilometers between 1 and 8. As long as you jump before it explodes, you earn an amount of DGG that depends on how many kilometers you already went.

Here is the welcome screen of Moonshot inside the Dune Playground.

Let’s say we guess 3 and click send.

The operation is then injected in the blockchain and Dune Playground will monitor its inclusion:

As usual, we can follow the operation on the blockchain with DunScan blocks explorer:

Nice! My guess is not greater than the oracle’s value. I jumped before the rocket explodes :-). For this move, I earned 3 DGG:

Will you be able to bet 8 and win ? In which case you’d earn 34 DGG ? In fact, you may want to know that the rewards map is as follow:

  • lost game 🠆 earn 1 DGG
  • bet 1 and win 🠆 earn 1 DGG
  • bet 2 and win 🠆 earn 2 DGG
  • bet 3 and win 🠆 earn 3 DGG
  • bet 4 and win 🠆 earn 5 DGG
  • bet 5 and win 🠆 earn 8 DGG
  • bet 6 and win 🠆 earn 13 DGG
  • bet 7 and win 🠆 earn 21 DGG
  • bet 8 and win 🠆 earn 34 DGG

Do you recognize Fibonacci sequence here ? :-)

Have fun playing and come back soon for more games and technical details!

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