Dune Mainnet Upgrade to Protocol Version 5.5.1

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2020

>> Scheduled for block 614,400 around November 10, 2020!

We are pleased to announce that, after another lengthy period of development and testing, the protocol version 5.5.1 of Dune Network will land on Mainnet at block level 614,400, around November 10, 2020.

All nodes must have been upgraded to the commit a68642e4f69f64a8da7724af54cfc7e3076cc1f3 downloaded from the mainnet branch of Gitlab no earlier than October 29, 2020. The git tag protocol-5.5.1 has been created to mark the revision commit, i.e. general revision 5 of protocol 5 with fix 1. This is an important fix that was added on top of protocol 5.5, so bakers who have already updated to 5.5 should update again to add it.

Nodes that have not been updated by this time will automatically stop validating blocks afterwards. In such a case, after upgrading their nodes, admins should use:

dune-admin-client unmark all invalid blocks

to restart validating blocks.

Upgrade instructions are quite similar to those explaining how to upgrade to protocol version 5.4. If you didn’t upgrade in time and your node is far from current head (days or weeks), or if you have some issues with your node synchronization, you may want to consider importing a fresh snapshot to speed-up the process.

Main Changes

This upgrade fixes some bugs and introduce new features, again mostly focused on improving dApps development. Some of the more noteworthy features are:

  • Love: lots of improvements and small fixes coming from the development of contracts for Dune Playground and other applications, on which we have been working for the last months.
  • Voting: new voting instructions in the Voting module. These instructions can be used to create smart contracts to handle votes by bakers. They will be used for On-chain Governance, with the election of the first members of the Dune Committee chosen by token owners a few weeks after the upgrade.
  • Private/Sandbox networks: improved lazy baking mode. Option --lazy-mod NBLOCKS triggers baking NBLOCKS blocks when an operation is available.
  • Many fixes, such as underflow and overflow during transfers and smart contract applications.
  • Support for Tezos Irmin2 storage: can be chosen at node creation by setting the environment variableDUNE_CONTEXT_STORAGE either to irmin (default), ironmin or irmin2.

The next major protocol upgrade should also include the long awaited support for the Solidity language, already in the testing phase on the devnet network.

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Website: https://dune.network
Email: contact@dune.network



DUNE network
Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.