Secrets of Dunscan: Part 1, User Accounts and Bookmarks

DUNE network
Dune Network
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2020

Born as TzScan, the block explorer for Tezos developed by OCamlPro, Dunscan has been running on the Dune Network blockchain since September 2019 without much communication about it. Dunscan does its job, day after day. Though you may believe it did not change much during its (short) life, Dunscan actually received some interesting improvements over Tzscan. Let’s talk about them!

User Accounts and Bookmarks

If you are using Dune Network, you probably always interact with the same accounts: your own accounts, your baker’s account, some smart contracts you deployed (multisig for example) or interacted with, etc. Remembering their addresses, even only the first chars, is not very practical, especially when you try to understand transfers between them. Fortunately, Dunscan allows you to bookmark all these accounts, and gives them aliases that will be displayed in the interface!

For that, you first need to createa user account. Check the last sub-menu on the right of the top menu, you will see an item “Log in”. Let’s click on it!

Dunscan will display a login page, with the possibility to create an account. Accounts are very light on Dunscan, it does not even store your email! Let’s click on the Register button:

We can now provide the information to create the account: an email address, a pseudo to be displayed on the page and your password. Since there is no password recovery, be careful and backup your password elsewhere! Once it’s done, we can click on the Register button.

For now, we have no bookmarks:

Let’s add a first bookmark: in the Search input of Dunscan, we enter one of our tests accounts:

In the Account Details tab, there is an Heart icon, click on it to bookmark this account, it should become full. If we go back in the menu, we can go directly to the bookmark page:

Click on the Bookmarks item:

The account is now in the list! We can setup an alias for it: click on the Pen icon under Alias and give it a name. Since it’s our first demo account, we will call it “ledger_demo1”:

Click on the green check and it has now a name!

If we click on the Expand icon of this account, a lot of information is displayed:

Clicking back on it will hide all this information again.

Now, let’s go back to the account page by clicking on its link:

We can see that the alias we chose is now displayed in the Account Details and in all operations where it appears, making it much clearer to understand them!

Finally, we can search bookmarks as other resources: if we enter some part of the bookmark in the search bar, the bookmark appears in the completions with its name and hash:


That’s all for this first part of this series of articles on Dunscan. In the next part, we will explore the Advanced Search panel and its natural query language!

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Dune Network

A secured Web 3.0 platform designed for enterprise-grade decentralized applications.