Gummy Oracle

Greg Soper
Dungeon Rations
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2018

Item / Food

Bolded words: These signify concepts and details that I am interested in having you readers flesh out. You are invited to comment with your ideas!

“These appear to be the preserved remains of ancient, revered soothsayers. The soothsayer was likely alive during the process, according to these markings. Who were these people? … Are you eating their nose??!

“If they didn’t want us to eat it, then why does it taste so good?”

These gummy oracle remains have a chewy and dusty texture, and taste slightly like peach.

When you eat a candied body part, you wake up the next morning to discover that your respective body part is now also gummy. It can sense the future in a way that makes sense for the body part. i.e. ears can hear, eyes can see, skin can feel etc. Everything you sense with this body part seems more… gummy. These heightened senses are not guaranteed to be clear or make sense.
You can use your gummy body part for Spout Lore and Discern Realities rolls (and any others that the GM deems appropriate).

Some body parts might have more drastic effects on your daily life than others. Needless to say, it might be a bad idea to eat too many… and what are these bizarre gummy dreams?

What happens when an adventurer eats too many gummy oracle parts? Comment below with your answer.



Greg Soper
Dungeon Rations

User Experience Design, writing on experience, media, and products.